Introduction. The thumb accounts for almost 50% of hand function, the pulp having a major
role in ensuring it. Avulsed injuries lead to disability, so preserving length, position, mobility,
sensitivity of the thumb are main goals that must be fulfilled for the techniques used in
reconstruction of the thumb and its pulp.
Aim of the study. To evaluate the outcomes of the reconstruction in the emergency of the
amputated thumb using isolated or associated homodigital and heterodigital flap techniques in
those situations when microsurgical replantation is not possible due to local or general
conditions. The study is based on the evaluation of the functional (thumb length, sensitivity,
motility active joint movement and cortical reintegration) and aesthetic outcomes.
Materials and methods. Twenty-eight patients aged between 18 and 65 years old, with
complete posttraumatic amputation of the thumb at the level of interphalangeal joint or proximal
phalanx were evaluated. The aim of reconstruction was to achieve a thumb of proper length,
good sensitivity, motility and cortical reintegration of the new pulp. In 6 cases, the reconstruction
was done using the Mantero-Bertolotti technique with an O’Brien flap, and in 6 cases the use of
a single heterodigital neurovascular Littler flap was sufficient. The association of the two
techniques with a Littler’s flap instead of the O’Brien flap in the Mantero-Bertolotti
reconstruction was the choice in 14 patients. In other 2 cases the reconstruction algorithm
included the use of a Foucher (cerf-volant), Simonetta or Hueston flap.
Results. The results have been evaluated based on age, injury complexity, size of the flap,
mobility, sensitivity, cortical reintegration of the new pulp. The best average range of motion of
the new thumb in those cases in which we applied the associated technique (Littler’s flap instead
of the O’Brien flap in the Mantero-Bertolotti reconstruction) using Kapandji score (8 score).
Regarding the sensibility, we achieved a protective sensibility of the new thumb. At the two point
discrimination test (2PD test), the results were between 7 – 11 mm. At the light touch deep
pressure test (SW test), all the patients felt the blue monofilament and 24 out of 30 felt the violet
Conclusions. The use of isolated or combined homodigital and heterodigital, flap techniques is a
proper choice for reconstructing the avulsed thumb in those cases when the microsurgical
replantation is not possible. The microsurgical replantantion remains the gold standard in thumb
Clinic of Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery, St. Spiridon Emergency Hospital, Iasi,
Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania