Introducere. Supraviețuirea pacienţilor cu MODS în transplantul de ficat scade la 60,3% (Mueller A.R.).
Scop. Estimarea factorilor predispozanţi ai MODS -ului pentru perioada perioperatorie la pacienţii supuşi
transplantului de ficat.
Material şi metode. În studiu au fost incluşi 19 pacienţi după transplant de ficat divizaţi în două loturi: primul
lot - 7 pacienţi care au întrunit criterii MODS, lotul doi – 12, fără criterii MODS.
În lotul pacienţilor cu s-m MODS în perioada preoperatoriei scorul MELD a constituit 24, în lotul doi – 18.
Printre agresiunile primare patologice severe care au putut provoca evoluţie în MODS s-au înregistrat: a. în
preoperator sindrom porto-pulmonar la 2 pacienţi, sindrom CID – 3 pacienţi, sindrom hepatopriv şi colestatic
sever – 7 pacienţi; b. intraoperator - hemoragie masivă la un pacient; c. postoperator - hemoragie masivă la 4,
relaparatomie la 2, sindrom CID la 4, rejetul acut de grefă la trei recipienţi. La pacienţii suferinzi de MODS s-a
constatat 2 insuficienţe de organe secundare la 3, a 3 sisteme de organe – 3 recipienţi, a 4 sisteme de organe – 1
recipient. Au decedat 4 recipienţi, la care MODS a inclus insuficienţe a 3 şi mai multe sisteme de organe.
Concluzii. La pacienţii care au dezvoltat semne de sindrom MODS se observă o incidenţa mai înaltă a
comorbidităţilor, depistate în preoperator, şi a diverselor sindroame severe induse de insuficienţa hepatică.
Introduction. Survival of patients with MODS in patients with liver transplantation is decreased to 60.3%
(Mueller A.R.).
Purpose. Assessment of MODS predisposing factors for perioperative period in patients undergoing liver
Material and methods. The study included 19 patients after liver transplantation divided into two groups: the
first group - 7 patients who met the criteria for MODS, the second group -12 patients without MODS. In the
group of patients with MODS during preoperative period the MELD score was - 24, in the second group - 18.
Amongst the primary severe pathological aggressions which could develop MODS were recorded: a. In the
preoperative period 2 patients presented with portopulmonary hypertension, 3 patients with DIC syndrome,
cholestatic and severe hepatoprive syndrome - 7 patients; b. Intraoperative - excessive bleeding in one patient;
c. Postoperative - excessive bleeding in 4 patients, relaparatomy in 2 patients, DIC syndrome in 4 patients and
acute rejection in 3 patients. The MODS was presented with two secondary organ failure in 3 patients; three
secondary organ failure in 3 patients and four secondary organ failure in 1 patient. From all of the patients, 4 of
them died, in which MODS included 3 or more organ failure.
Conclusions. In patients who have developed signs of MODS there is a higher incidence of comorbidities,
detected in the preoperative period, and various syndromes induced severe hepatic failure.