It is presented a 6 weeks old infant case, male, diagnosed with transient congenital hypothyroidism due to transplacental passage of maternal thyrotropin receptor blocking antibodies. The diagnosis was clinical sustained by prolonged
jaundice – umbilical hernia – anemia triad, and biologic by the high and persistent level of the thyrotropin. It was
opined for 3 years of the hormonal substitution treatment.
Este prezentat cazul unui sugar de sex masculin, în vârstă de 6 săptămâni, diagnosticat cu Hipotiroidism congenital
tranzitoriu prin transfer transplacentar de anticorpi blocanţi materni. Diagnosticul a fost susţinut clinic de triada: icter
prelungit, hernie ombilicală, anemie, iar biologic de valoarea crescută (persistentă) a tireotropinei. S-a opiniat pentru
3 ani de tratament hormonal substitutiv.