Introduction: Tea is one of the most common beverages in Republic of Moldova. Besides its
beneficial effects, studies have shown that tea infusions provide a high intake of fluoride in the
human body. Therefore, with time, tea drinking can cause fluorosis - a poisoning which has
destructive effects on bones and teeth.
Purpose and Objectives: this study is to analyze the fluoride concentration of the most
popular brands of tea in Republic of Moldova, in relation to individual consumption habits for the
assessment of risks of these beverages.
Material and Methods: We have developed an online questionnaire regarding individual
preferences and some brewing habits of tea in the Moldovan and Romanian population. 145 people
aged between 15 and 60 years completed the questionnaire. According to the performed ranking, we
selected 45 varieties of teas and analyzed them to the Biochemistry Department of UMPh Tîrgu
Mures. We used a fluoride ion selective electrode Orion 720 A and Hanna pH meter.
Results: Greenfield, Lipton and Ahmad brands are the most preferred in Republic of
Moldova. The laboratory results showed that black teas (n=18, [F]=1.32 ppm) contain more fluoride
than green teas (n=T9, [F]=0.85 ppm). Other teas (n=6, [F]=0.772 ppm) contain a moderate amount
and the hibiscus teas (n=2, [F]=0.056) are the poorest in fluoride. Green tea has the highest pH
(pH=5.97), hibiscus teas are the most acidic (pH=3.315).
Conclusion: The teas which are consumed in Republic of Moldova have optimal fluoride
concentrations. The harm can occur if it overlaps with a high fluoride concentration of drinking water.
We recommend a moderate tea consumption, especially in areas with increased risk of fluorosis.
Preventive and Community Dentistry Department,
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureş, România, Biochemistry
Department, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureş, România