Introduction. Urinary tract infections are the most common
urogenital diseases, with an increased incidence in
women and the elderly. Urogenital infections are
caused by Gram-negative germs, in which E. coli
predominates with a share of 85-90%.
Purpose. Research of the optimized preparation technology
of magistral suppositories by comparative
evaluation of their quality parameters.
Material and methods. Suppositories were prepared based on hydrophobic
and hydrophilic excipients, the dosing was
performed spectrophotometric UV-VIS on a Perkin
Elmer-40 spectrophotometer, solvents and reagents
had the degree of purity "pure for analysis" and
"chemically pure“.
Results. In the "Vasile Procopisin" University Pharmaceutical Center, suppositories were prepared with furagin, dimexid, anestesin, methylene blue on cocoa butter excipient (manual modeling method, fig.1) and on hydrophilic excipients PEG 400: PEG 4000, (by melting and molding method). Both types of suppositories were subjected to quality tests, including their stability at temperature, humidity, UV irradiation, the quantitative determinations were performed by UVVIS spectrophotometric method (fig.2). On the spectra there were no maxima corresponding to the degradation products that overlap with the maxima of the active substances, the UV stress does not cause a major degradation of the furagin.
Conclusions. The suppositories were kept for 4 months at a temperature of +3 + 5˚C in the refrigerator, not changing in terms of quantity and keeping its original shape and appearance. Suppositories with furagin and other active components were prepared by technological methods. The results obtained performing the UV-VIS spectrophotometric analysis were subsequently used for the stability studies of the researched forms.
Department of Drug Technology, "Nicolae Testemitanu" SUMPh,
"Vasile Procopisin" University Pharmaceutical Center