Introduction: Atrial natriuretic propeptide (proANP) is one of the most reliable markers of heart
failure and independent predictor of cardiovascular risk in cardiac patients. The role of this cytokine in
the development of hepatologic diseases is less investigated.
The aim: Our study purpose was to study possible age-related features of proANP plasma content in
patients with nonviral liver cirrhosis and its relationship with biochemical blood parameters.
Materials and Methods: Our study involved 48 patients with nonviral liver cirrhosis. All the patients were
divided according to age: first group (30-44 years) included 14 patients, second group (45-59 years) - 18 patients, third group (60-74 years) - 16 patients. Control group consists of 8 healthy volunteers. ProANP plasma
content together with plasma activities of aspartataminotranspherase (AST), alaninaminotranspherase, total
laktatdehydrogenase (LDH), alkaline phosphatase, gammaglutamiltranspherase and plasma contents of glucose, cholesterol, tryglycerides, urea, creatinine, bilirubin and albumin were studied.
Results: ProANP plasma concentration was significantly higher in patients with liver cirrhosis of
all age groups compared with the healthy individuals. In the first group it was 1,51 ±0,20 nmoll/1, in the
second group - 1,56±0,22 nmoll/1, in the third group - 1,85±0,37 nmoll/1, while the control levels were
0,31 ±0,04 nmoll/liter. There was also a trend towards a gradual increase of the proANP blood level with
age. For patients with liver cirrhosis established a direct correlation between the plasma content of proANP and urea, creatinine concentrations, AST and total LDH activities.
Conclusions: The plasma content of proANP increases in patients with liver cirrhosis of all ages. This
increase correlates with the activity and severity of liver cirrhosis and is the highest in older patients with
decompensated liver cirrhosis.