Introduction: Varicocele represents a pathology of the testicular vein, spread mostly on the left side
(80-90 percent), which may lead to severe disturbances of the metabolism at the testicle level and specifically the spermatozoa’ impaired synthesis.
Purpose and Objectives: This research is done to relieve and to correlate varicocele with life, causes
and complications which may be associated with this pathology and with the impact over the fertility.
Material and Methods: It is done a retrospective research of all in-patients with varicocele from The
“Sfinta Treime” Hospital and Children’s Hospital nr.3 from Chisinau between 2011 and 2012. Altogether
have been examinated 20 patients between the age group of 13-21.
Results: The incidence of the varicocele in young people and adults is of 15-20 percent. In about 90
percent of cases it is placed on the left side and extremelly rare on the right side or bilateral. The varicocele
is considered to be the main cause of infertility in 40 percent of cases. The varicocele’s apparition may
have several different causes, and the main of these are the following: 1) Defects or valveless all over the
testicular vein; 2) Anatomical features of the left testicular vein; 3) The retrograde raise of pressure in the
left renal vein due to its compression between the superior mesenteric artery and aorta.
Conclusion: The varicocele is not a pathology which requiring emergency intervention. However
in time treatment is primordial, otherwise it leads to severe disturbances in the process of spermatozoa
production which leads to infertility. It was proved that after curing this pathology all sperm parameters
were improved.