Introduction: In nowadays prostate cancer (PC) is an important health problem, because of its high
incidence and the increased number of deaths. The possibility of PSA screening and the use of transrectal
biopsy of prostate (TRUS -P) decrease the mortality of these disease.
Objectives: To evaluate the importance of transrectal biopsy of prostate in diagnosis of prostate cancer in the patients with increased level of PSA (normal level 4 ng/ml) and rectal examination of prostate.
Material and methods: From January 2010 to December 2011, in the Republican Clinical Hospital 30
patients suspected of prostate cancer were investigated using standard method of prostate biopsy.
The average age of the patients was 66,1 years (49-77 years). We performed 30 prostate biopsy, according the management of classic method (6 fragments from both prostate lobes). If „suspect” zones were
detected at TRUS examination (hypoechoic zones), two more punctures were performed in those areas.
Results: The general detection rate of PC using transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy was
83,3 % (25 of 30 cases). In 5 (16,6%) patients the conclusion after histological examinations was benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Conclusions: In our opinion, the main indications for prostatic puncture are: PSA level higher than
normal and rectal examination with PC suspicion.