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Организация управления двигательной активностью c позиций психофизиологического подхода

Show simple item record Дегтяренко, Татьяна Коджебаш, Владислав 2022-11-15T09:59:46Z 2022-11-15T09:59:46Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation ДЕГТЯРЕНКО, Татьяна, КОДЖЕБАШ, Владислав. Организация управления двигательной активностью c позиций психофизиологического подхода. В: Sănătatea, medicina şi bioetica în societatea contemporană: studii inter şi pluridisciplinare = Health, Medicine and Bioethics in Contemporary Society: Inter- and Pluridisciplinary Studies: mater. conf. șt. internaț., ed. a 5-a, 7-8 octombrie 2022. Chişinău: Print-Caro, 2022, сс.192-199. ISBN 978-9975-165-12-9. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-165-12-9
dc.description.abstract The basis of the psychological and psychophysiological mechanisms cofunctioning is the orienting-exploratory brain activity, which is resumed each time when disagreements are revealed between the planned motor task “action plan” and the result of the motor action at each stage of motor activity controlorganizing. The article describes five hierarchical levels of human motor activity control and the events occurring on each of them. The internal mechanisms of motor actions differ from the external ones, but at the same time, unity in the goals and subject content of the planned motor programis preserved. en_US
dc.language.iso ru en_US
dc.publisher Universitatea de Stat De Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu” din Republica Moldova, Centrul Național de Bioetică din Republica Moldova, Institutul Național de Patologie „Victor Babeș”, București, Romania, Universitatea Națională de Sănătate „P.Shupyk” din Ucraina, Institutul de Fiziologie și Sanocreatologie, Republica Moldova en_US
dc.relation.ispartof Sănătatea, medicina şi bioetica în societatea contemporană: studii inter şi pluridisciplinare: Materialele Conferinței Științifice Internaționale 16-17 noiembrie 2018 en_US
dc.title Организация управления двигательной активностью c позиций психофизиологического подхода en_US
dc.title.alternative Organization of motor activity management by the psycho physiological approach en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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