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Экологическая детерминированность расстройств психики у населения в условиях последствий стрессиндуцированных состояний

Show simple item record Ластков, Дмитрий Дубовая, Анна Евтушенко, Евгений 2022-12-08T10:59:28Z 2022-12-08T10:59:28Z 2020
dc.identifier.citation ЛАСТКОВ, Дмитрий, ДУБОВАЯ, Анна, ЕВТУШЕНКО, Евгений. Экологическая детерминированность расстройств психики у населения в условиях последствий стрессиндуцированных состояний. In: Sănătatea, medicina şi bioetica în societatea contemporană: studii inter şi pluridisciplinare = Health, Medicine and Bioethics in Contemporary Society: Inter- and Pluridisciplinary Studies: mater. conf. șt. internaț., ed. a 3-a, 06-07 noiembrie 2020. Chişinău: Print-Caro, 2020, pp. 368-371. ISBN 978-9975-56-805-0. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-56-805-0
dc.description.abstract The analysis of the prevalence of mental and behavioral disorders among the adult population (taking into account the contribution of men, women and persons of retirement age in the “dirtiest” and “cleanest” areas (not affected by hostilities) comparison with the contaminated areas of K. and P., which were in the zone of military conflict, and with the average city indicators for 3 time periods: pre-war (2010-2013), transitional – the beginning of hostilities (2014-2016) and stable military (2017-2019) are presented. en_US
dc.language.iso ru en_US
dc.publisher Ministerul Sănătății, Muncii și Protecției Sociale, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Catedra de filosofie şi bioetică, Centrul Național de Bioetică din Republica Moldova, Asociația pentru Filosofie din Republica Moldova en_US
dc.relation.ispartof Sănătatea, Medicina şi Bioetica în societatea contemporană: studii inter şi pluridisciplinare: Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Internaţională, ediția a III-a, 06-07 noiembrie 2020 en_US
dc.title Экологическая детерминированность расстройств психики у населения в условиях последствий стрессиндуцированных состояний en_US
dc.title.alternative Ecological determination of mental disorders in the population under conditions of consequences of stress-induced conditions en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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