Obiective: studierea eficienţei prevenirii
cariei dentare la copiii cu sindromul Down.
În studiul caz-martor au fost incluşi 16 de
copii cu sindromul Down (SD) cu vârste cuprinse între 7 şi 16 ani. S-au studiat indicii de
prevalenţă a cariei dentare (IF) şi de experienţă
carioasă, evaluarea riscului cariogen a fost realizată prin aplicarea software Cariogram. Măsurile de prevenire a cariei dentare (CD) au
inclus: educaţia sanitară, igienizarea ghidată a
cavităţii orale şi aplicaţii topice a preparatelor
fluorurate. La subiecţii din lotul de cercetare
(L1, nr=8) a fost aplicat topic preparatul Gluftored, Vladmiva, care conţine nanofluoruri,
iar la copiii din lotul martor (L0, nr=8) - lacul
fluorat Belak-F, Vladmiva. Studiul a fost aprobat de Comitetul de Etică a cercetării şi a fost
realizat după obţinerea acordului scris al părinţilor copiilor sau reprezentanţilor lor legali.
Implementarea măsurilor preventive complexe în decurs de 2 ani, la copiii cu SD din L1
a asigurat reducerea semnificativă statistic a
indicatorilor de carie dentară şi risc carios în
raport cu lotul L0. Concluzii: a fostdemonstrată eficienţa superioasă a măsurilor preventive
complexe care au inclus aplicaţii topice a nanofluorurilor.
Objectives: to study the effectiveness of
dental caries prevention of children with
Down syndrome. Sixteen children with
Down syndrome (DS) aged 7 to 16 years were
included in the case-control study. Indices of
dental caries prevalence (DMFT) and caries
experience were studied, caries risk assessment was performed by applying Cariogram
software. Dental caries (DC) prevention measures included: health education, guided oral
cavity hygiene and topical applications of fluoride preparations. To the subjects of the research group (L₁, nr=8) topically was applied
solution Gluftored, Vladmiva, that containing
nanofluorides, and to the children of the control group (L₀, nr=8) was applied the fluoride
varnish Belak-F, Vladmiva. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee and
was conducted after obtaining written consent from the children’s parents or their legal
representatives. Implementation of complex
preventive measures over 2 years to children
with DS in L₁ provided statistically significant reduction of dental caries and caries risk
indicators in comparison with the L₀ group.
Conclusions: The superior efficacy of complex
preventive measures including topical applications of nanofluoride was demonstrated.