Sindromul Treacher Collins (TCS) este o
tulburare autozomal dominantă rară a dezvoltării cranio-faciale. Este o malformaţie
congenitală a primului şi celui de-al doilea arc
branial care poate afecta dimensiunea şi forma
urechilor, pleoapelor, oaselor pomeţilor şi maxilarelor. Tratamentul cu success planificarea
operate cu Dolphin Soft efectuind LeFort I si
BSSO si Genioplastie. Examinind 2 parametri
cefalometrici importanti ca SNB, Co-Go-Me.
Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS) is a rare
autosomal dominant disorder of craniofacial
development. It is a congenital malformation
of first and second branchial arch which may
affect the size and shape of the ears, eyelids,
cheek bones, and jaws. Exam firs and after
surgery with Dolphin Soft with LeFort I and
BSSO and Genioplasty. In this article was described TCS with exam SNB, Co-Go-Me.