The toxic hepatopathy (HP) was induced by long term administration of CCl4. It was
established that toxic doses of CCl4 caused pronounced disorders of protein metabolism −
reduction of the total protein content (TP) and albumin of blood serum, and the significant
accumulation of collagen, hydroxyproline and uronic acids in the liver tissue. CCl4 significantly
decreased tissue enzyme activity − ALT, AST and pseudocholinesterase (PCE) compared to the
reference values. Administration of local biologically active compounds − CMD-8, CMJ-23 and
CMJ-33, sulphatated polysaccharides from spirulina and of the remedy BioR Fe-Se in
experimental HP contributed to the reduction of the toxic effects of ССl4 on hepatocytes. Thus
the content of hydroxyproline and collagen was diminished, while of serum total protein and
albumin increased. The functionality of the studied tissue enzymes was also partially restored.
Pe animale de laborator s-a modelat hepatopatia (HP) experimentală toxică prin
administrarea de durată a CCl4. S-a stabilit că dozele toxice de CCl4 au provocat tulburări
pronunţate ale metabolismului proteic, ceea ce se manifestă prin diminuarea conţinutului de
proteine totale (PT) şi albumină în ser, şi acumularea importantă de colagen, hidroxiprolină şi de
acizi uronici în ţesutul hepatic. Noxa hepatotropă a redus semnificativ activitatea enzimelor
tisulare − ALT, AST şi pseudocolinesterazei (PCE) în raport cu valorile de referinţă.
Administrarea unor compuşi biologic activi autohtoni − CMD-8, CMJ-23 şi CMJ-33,
polizaharidelor sulfatate din spirulină şi a remediului BioR Fe-Se în HP experimentală a
contribuit la reducerea efectelor toxice ale ССl4 asupra hepatocitelor. Astfel, nivelul de
hidroxiprolină şi colagen s-a redus, iar cel al proteinelor totale şi albuminei serice a crescut.
Nivelul de funcţionalitate a enzimelor tisulare studiate, de asemenea, s-a restabilit parţial.