Institutional Repository in Medical Sciences
(IRMS – Nicolae Testemițanu SUMPh)



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  • Friptuleac, Grigore; Chirlici, Alexei; Hăbăşescu, Ion; Băbălău, Victor; Cebanu, Sergiu; Moraru, Maria (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    It is elucidated the didactic, methodical, scientific and practical activity of the Department of Hygiene during 35 years of its existence (1977 – 2012). Partially is described the activity of the hygienic courses (1965 ...
  • Punga, Iurie; Curca, Victor; Cozac, Vitalii (CEP "Medicina", 2009)
    The problem of interintestinal abscesses in septic gynecology is determined by the frequency increase of this pathology, variety of predispousing causes and high risk of severe complications. The scientific and practical ...
  • Sandul, Alexandru; Antohi, Andrei; Vetricean, Sergiu; Fortuna, Valeriu; Didencu, Alexandru; Enachi, Victor (CEP "Medicina", 2013)
    Bezold abscess is a collection of suppurative deep cervical tissue reaction following acute mastoiditis effusion. In this paper the authors present a clinical case of Bezold abscess whick appeared after a supurate chronic ...
  • Sîrbu, Dumitru; Topalo, Valentin; Cucu, Ghenadie; Bogdan, Olga; Gheţiu, Alexandru (CEP "Medicina", 2013)
    The abscess of the mandibulo-lingual trench is an often inflammatory pathology of the oro-maxillo-facial region. The odontogenic factor is the most commonly incriminated, where the 3rd molar diseases prevail. In this study ...
  • Cazacu, Eugeniu; Cerbadji, Ala; Pretula, Ruslan; Focşa, Olga (CEP "Medicina", 2011)
    Endometriosis is described as the presence of functioning endometrial tissue (glands and stroma) outside the uterine cavity. The most common location is within the pelvis. However, extra pelvic endometriosis is a fairly ...
  • Bendelic, Mihaela (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Bioethics approach of Malpraxis in ophthalmology In contemporary Medicine and Bioethics an special importance have the approaching of Malpraxis problem. This phenomen is accentueted more and more in clinic practice, involving ...
  • Cirimpei, Vasile; Ciobanu, Sergiu; Cirimpei, Tatiana; Ciobanu, Ana (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Total and subtotal crown lesions have a relative high incidence. Very frequent they have a tenacious activity and decay has a deep subgingival location. A situation like this will need a periodontal resective treatment ...
  • Berezovscaia, Elena (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    The allergic diseases are widespread throughout the world and have a special place in the structure of the population morbidity. The frequency of atopy has a general tendency to increase. Reduced quality of life, high ...
  • Şoric, Gabriela; Blaja-Lisnic, Natalia; Negară, Anatolie; Maniuc, Olga; Coşciug, Elena; Lupaşcu-Volentir, Felicia (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The falls represent a common cause of dependence and are the leading cause of mortality due to injury among the elderly. The evaluation of the elderly patient is necessary for prevention of the falls and setting the ...
  • Gamanji, Tatiana; Vîntu, Victoria (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    Medical jargon is one of professional languages for verbal communication in the field. As an instrument of knowledge and communication, medical language is an indispensable tool for scientific work in the professional ...
  • Damaschin-Rughină, Lilia (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Nowadays the concern for the implementation of new strategis and polices in the Health System becomes more and more evident. The aim of this implementation i sto increase the rate of contetment among patients, to decrease ...
  • Lupan, Valentina; Cuşnir, Valeriu (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    The efficiency of one-stage cataract phacoemulsification with implantation of intraocular lens and sinustrabeculectomy with iridectomy was studied in 27 patients with open-angle glaucoma and the non mature cataract. ...
  • Bivol, Vitalie (CEP Medicina, 2012)
    This article describes different models of disability used in international practice. General considerations are summarized on disability (definition, interpretation, approach). Approach is highlighted features disabled ...
  • Cazacov, Vladimir; Hotineanu, Adrian; Cotoneţ, Alic; Darii, Eugenii (CEP Medicina, 2012)
    In this article are presented new related to terapeuticall and diagnosticall approaches of subfrenic abcces. The article is focused on the elements diagnostic and therapeutic methods, specific to the abcces subfrenic. ...
  • Dragan, Mariana; Sagaidac, Irina; Ciobanu, Victor (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Abruptio placentae (AP) represents a serious social and medical issue. The subject matter of the research was evaluating the causes and the consequences of AP. The study performed on 35 patients from ICSDOSM and C during ...
  • Vilcova, Ana (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Moldova is the world leader in alcohol consumption, claims World Health Organization. It is said that people of Moldova, an eastern European nation, drink more alcohol per head than citizens of any other nation. The ...
  • Covanţev, Serghei (CEP Medicina, 2013)
    Congenital liver abnormalities are considered to be rare. But their presence can complicate different medical procedures. The knowledge of possible liver anatomy variations can be useful for hepatobiliary surgeons and ...
  • Leşco, Galina; Damaşcan, Ghenadie; Rotaru, Doina-Maria (CEP Medicina, 2012)
    This paper presents data from a retrospective program review of existing political and normative framework related to the access of young people for Youth Friendly Health Services (YFHS), especially in the context of ...
  • Urîtu, Grigore (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    The inscreasing of the acces and social eguity level of the population to the health services and especially to the hospital assistance, the participation of the local public administration in co-finance and the assurance ...

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