Implicarea principiilor bioetice în
analiza stării de vulnerabilitate la unele grupuri sociale are o importanță deosebită în elaborarea unui suport metodologic ce ar cuprinde toate
aspectele acestui subiect de studiu de amploare în esența sa. Potențialul
bioeticii constă în oferirea de repere conceptuale în identificarea subiectelor și a principiilor pentru ghidarea cercetătorilor sau a personalului
medical, ori de alt gen de activitate, în respectarea unor acțiuni curative,
de reabilitare, consiliere, asistență socială etc.
Vulnerability is a complex state that characterizes man in various phases of his existence. A separate segment of the vulnerable population includes people with severely impaired health. It is divided into several categories. The study of this contingent was carried out within the research
project „The interdisciplinary bioethical-socio-medical approach of the
vulnerable contingent of a population with a severe state of health and the
possibilities of rehabilitation” within the State Program 2020-2023. Various scientific investigations were carried out within this research project.
The subject of the vulnerability of certain categories of population is a top
one in the social strategies of most states, but it has a special connotation
in the conditions of the Republic of Moldova where, on the one hand, the
vulnerable categories are overwhelmed by serious social and health problems, poor knowledge and ability to protect their rights and, on the other
hand, the presence of deficiencies, sometimes serious, regarding the professional training of employees in the institutions involved in various relationships with vulnerable groups. In addition to this, there are drawbacks in the legislative and normative framework. The general idea of the project
is the interdisciplinary research of the specific categories of the vulnerable
populations, especially children, the elderly and detainees with a severe
health status. The interdisciplinary methodology is based on the study of
the medical, social and ethical problems affecting this contingent, by combining the theoretical analysis of the existing studies, conducting the researches through the socio-humanistic methods (interviews, focus-groups
and questionnaires for the subjects of the vulnerable groups and professionals in the field) and the bioethical multilevel analysis (axiological, socio-medical and legal). Thus, the systemic approach to these problems will
allow the identification of optimal solutions and efficient recommendations
in the implementation of state policies in the field of health protection and
social inclusion of vulnerable groups.