Entomologic drugs exerted significant influence on the nonspecific resistance of the body
humoral and cellular immunity. In that way, entomologic drug contributed to the normalization
of lymphocytes B and T. Simultaneously, ...
In the experiments on rats the aspects of the izoturone and diazepam association
interaction with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) on the lipid metabolism level was studied. HBO (6
ata 50 min) caused the increase of plasmatic ...
Recent studies demonstrate that neurogenesis, the creation of new brain cells, occurs in
the adult human. Many of these new neurons survive and integrate themselves into the working
brain, suggesting the potential for a ...
Entoheptin, imuheptin, less imupurin prevent the hepatotoxic action of CCl4 and
paracetamol through maintainance of total antioxidant activity and diminishing of initial, of
intermediate and final hydroperoxides ...
Profetur, used in ganglionic blockade, stabilizes blood pressure and does not affect the
inhibitory action of the hexamethonium on cardiovascular pathological reflexes.
Profeturul, utilizat în blocarea ganglionară, ...
The product „Nucosan” is walnut oil produced from local raw materials by cold pressing
method. This product is rich in tocopherol, vitamins A, C, Zn and Cu minerals and participate in
oxidation-reduction processes, is ...
The introduction in the modern medical practice of innovations for the treatment of chronic
viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis is of particular importance. The Combined drug Neamon-hepa
contains the following active ...
As the result of pharmacology screening, profetur compounds on the smooth muscles of
isolated parts of intestine have showed the increase of contractile activity. Contractile activity
increases during administration of ...
It was made an analysis of contemporary therapy of migraine, a review of preclinical and
clinical data of a new migraine management, presenting clinical trial results based on the
information from the observation files ...
Comparative clinical efficacy of treatment with Dovisan- a vegetable produce-oil, in
association with the standard triple therapy has been studied in patients with ulcerous lessions of
the duodenum. It has been established ...
Celandine is a very valuable plant for medicine and pharmacy because of rich content of
biologically active compounds. It is used widely in popular medicine as spasmolytic,
cholagogue, antiseptic, antiinflammatory, ...
The humoral theory of sleep regulation proposed by Ishimori and Pieron postulates that
the homeostatic sleep drive leads to the accumulation of somnogens during wakefulness, and that
this homeostatic need is discharged ...
Hemorrhagic shock takes place by local and systemic inflammatory processes. A
pathogenetic factor of systemic inflammation is acute-phase response. During the acute-phase
response, the liver dramatically increases the ...
The effects of estrogens upon the cardiovascular system are: prevention of
atherosclerosis, improvement of the lipid profile and vasodilation. The effects of estrogens upon
the digestive system are: reduction of the ...
Heart transplantation is a current issue because each person has individual polymorphism.
Antigenic structures of the donor heart are detected by the immune system recipient and,
respectively, should be subject to ...
Today, many people worldwide suffer from a vascular disease, one of these diseases is
the hemangioma. A hemangioma is a vascular tumor which, in many cases, requires surgical
intervention. Aproximatively 30% of all ...
The current investigation intended to determine the conditions of portal vein contractions
in rats in isometric regime. The proceeding of object preparation as well as experimental phases
was described. Main parameters ...
The paper presents information on the history, discovery, chemical structure,
classification and biological role of heat shock proteins (stress proteins) in non-specific cell
resistance and the ability of these substances ...
The relationship of heart rate variability to thoracic and abdominal components of
breathing pattern, as well as to slow paced respiration, was studied in healthy volunteers with
different level of anxiety. Subjects with ...
In this study we show, for the first time, application of double immunohistochemical stain
method using endothelial marker of high specificity (CD105) and marker of proliferation (Ki67),
applied on the formalin fixed and ...