Actually an increase of morbidity with chronic viral hepatic diseases has been established in specialy for the hepatitis C virus, caused by the features of hepatitis evolution, clinical and paraclinical symptoms. The obtained results analysis proved to recommend the patients with chronic viral hepatitis C the treatment with Choludexan as monotherapy to decrease the evolution of the main clinical syndromes, levels in markers of cytolysis and cholestasis. Besides of that, Choledexan has immunomodulatory properties if there are contraindications of viral treatment.
Actualmente se determină o majorare a morbidităţii hepatitelor virale cronice, în special a infecţiei cu virusul C, determinată de particularităţile evolutive, a manifestărilor clinice şi paraclinice. Datele studiului ne permit să recomandăm pacienţilor cu hepatita cronică virală C administrarea Choludexanului în calitate de monoterapie pentru diminuarea citolizei, colestazei şi ca imunomodulator la contraindicaţia terapiei antivirale.