The study is based on the clinical-pathopsychological, catamnestic and statistic research of 140 patients aged from 5 to 17 (105 boys and 35 girls) with a large scale of neurotic disorders. The data of psychotherapy of the ...
120 patients (females) with confirmed diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis were examined. It was revealed that 100 (83,3%) from 120 female presented depressive syndrome. They were randomly divided in 2 treatment groups. In ...
Episodes involving the adults in using psychoactive substances during the last years became very frequent. This fact makes us study the risk factors which promote them. As a result, 2061 adults were questioned in a ...
Cannabis currently presents the most extensively - and illegally - used drug. It is estimated that 25 % of the population use it and that among the teenagers, the „experiences” of marijuana and the number of cannabis chronic ...
Family education is one of the most influent factors in human personality development, which means the impact of it in psychopathological development of the person. 104 families (from rural and urban residence) that had ...
The realized research on a group of 20 patients with hysteric organic disorders of personality proves the presence of depressive reactions in 56,1% of cases in women and in 66,7% of cases in men. Literature review has ...
Depressive situations appeore in childhood or adolescence, remaining undiagnosed, or being interpreted as „age crisis”. In children and adolescents, the depressive situations are atypical, with a polymorphic manifestation, ...
This study is a psychological and psychiatric study about 837 inpatient of nonpsychotic psychic disorders and tuberculoses diseasis victims, whish need to be of differentiate a psychoterapeutically, inclusivly coercitive ...
Using many literature sources, the peculiarities of pathological manifestations of Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome have been studied, these being very important for the early diagnosis of the disease. Besides, attention ...
Approximately 10 % of population suffers from chronic insomnia. In this research the efficacy of Somnol (zopiclone) was studied in cases of insomnia that appears in 16 patients with anxious-depressive and depressive ...
84 patients with cerebral atherosclerosis of the II and III stages were examined clinical-catamnestic. From clinical aspect, the intelectual mnestic and cognitive disorders prevailed the associated with acute psychotic ...
In this article the parental rejection perceived in the childhood by the depressive patients is studied. 21 patients with diagnosis of affective disturbances (chapters F.30-F.39 from ICD-10) were included in experimental ...
Literature data that provide information about the issue of prevention the drug addiction, acohol, drugs or nicotine consume in teenages must be considered a serious problem. Thus, it suggests the necessity of taking ...
In this article the role of parenting in development of emotional vulnerable personality is studied. 21 patients with diagnosis of affective disturbances (chapters F.30-F.39 from ICD-10) were included in experimental group ...
Clinical symptoms of depressions as affective disturbances and those somatized in particular are described in the worc. The data are based on the clinical observations of 90 patients with depresiions of various ...
The study was based upon the analysis of clinical and diagnostic features of postoperator discogen lombar fibrozant epiduritis in 2 groops with immunomodulating (BioR) and standart treatment. The clinic of radiculopathy ...
Paradoxical kinesis are the sudden transient abilities of a patient with Parkinson’s disease to perform a task he was previously unable to perform, usually when facing an exogenous stimulus. The objective of this study was ...
Cerebrovascular pathology is a major health care problem in the Republic of Moldova. Lethality due to the stroke is 196 cases per 100.000 inhabitants and is much higher than in the EU and neighboring countries. Stroke is ...
Gavriliuc, M.; Lisnic, V.; Istrati, Nina; Munteanu, Liubovi(CEP Medicina, 2008)
We present the longitudinal clinical and electrophysiological study of 27 patients with spinal meningioma. All cases were confirmed by MRI and histological examinations. Electrophysiological examination included needle ...
In this particular study participated 52 patients, 36 women and 21 males with a mean age of 45 years (range 22 to 63). All these patients suffered from relevant ischemic disorders of spinal cord due to fibrosing ...