84 patients with cerebral atherosclerosis of the II and III stages were examined clinical-catamnestic. From clinical aspect, the intelectual mnestic and cognitive disorders prevailed the associated with acute psychotic states. It was established that, a complex treatment given to this category of patients with vasoactive, antihypertensive remedies, permits a significant improvement both of psycho-emotional, behavioural and of the disturbed cognitive functions.
Au fost investigaţi clinico-catamnestic 84 pacienţi cu ateroscleroză cerebrală de gradul II şi III. În aspect clinic au predominat tulburările intelectual-mnestice şi tulburările cognitive, asociate cu stări psihotice acute. S-a constatat că, alocarea unui tratament complex cu remedii vasoactive, antihipertensive şi psihotrope acestei categorii de bolnavi, permite ameliorarea considerabilă atât a funcţionării psiho-emoţionale, comportamentale, cât şi a funcţiilor cognitive deteriorate.