The data of 208 migrants patients with tuberculosis who have worked abroad and who came back home and have been treated from tuberculosis in the clinical municipal hospital from Chisinau have been studied. The new cases of tuberculosis have been registered in 68,3%, recuvrence in 31,7% patients. A big number of patients (72,5%) with dilated process has been investigated. 163(66,8%) of patients have been returned from Russia (64% from Moscow). Majority (79.8%) of migrants are on the pasive observation after the treatment.
Au fost studiate datele la 208 bolnavi de tuberculoza băştinaşi migranţi care s-au aflat la lucru peste hotarele ţării, s-au întors acasă şi s-au tratat de tuberculoză în spitalul clinic municipal Chişinău. Cazuri noi de tuberculoza au avut 68,3%, recidive – 31,7% bolnavi. Se atestă un număr mare (72,5%) de bolnavi cu procese extinse. 163(66,8%) bolnavi s-au întors din Rusia (dintre care 64% din Moscova). Majoritatea (79.8%) migranţilor după tratament sunt pe fişierul pasiv.