The article represents a synthesis of personal observations and modern literature data considering radiological particularities of pulmonary arterial hypertension in the patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The study includes 60 consecutive cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associated with pulmonary arterial hypertension diagnosed in the Institute of Phthisiopulmonology “Chiril Draganiuc” (2002-2005). The patients were investigated consequently applying conventional radiological methods.
Articolul reprezintă sinteza observaţiilor din experienţa personală şi datelor literaturii moderne despre particularităţile radiologice în sindromul de hipertensiune pulmonară arterială la pacienţi cu bronhopneumopatia cronică obstructivă. Studiul include 60 de cazuri consecutive de bronhopneumopatia cronică obstructivă asociată cu sindromul de hipertensiune pulmonară arterială diagnosticat în I.M.S.P. I.F.P. “Chiril Draganiuc” (2002-2005). Planul de investigaţii a cuprins aplicarea consecutivă a metodelor radiologice convenţionale.