The BODE index, a simple multidimensional grading system that includes the body-mass index (B), the degree of airflow obstruction (O) and dyspnea (D), and exercise capacity (E), measured by the six-minute–walk test.
We evaluated 40 young and 40 elderly COPD patients. Was estimated correlation between the BODE index and quality of life and number of exacerbations of COPD. The BODE index correlated with SGRQ better in elderly (r = 0.50, р<0.05).
Indicele BODE reprezintă un sistem multidimensional simplu, ce include indicele de masă corporală, gradul obstrucţiei bronşice, gradul dispneei şi toleranţa la efort fizic, măsurată prin testul de mers de 6 minute.
Noi am evaluat 40 pacienţi mai tineri şi 40 vârstnici cu BPCO. Am estimat corelaţia dintre indicele BODE, calitatea vieţii şi numărul exacerbărilor de BPCO. Indicele BODE a corelat cu SGRQ mai bine la vârstnici (r = 0.50, р<0.05).