94 children at the age till 3 years were examined with new cases of tuberculosis. There were estabilished that 80% were determined by active method. By adresation were determined 20% cases with “masc”, that express siptomatics of TB. In most of cases the tuberculosis of intratorasic lymph nodes were identified There were established uneffective BCG vaccination in 51% became ill. Children with uneffective vaccination has advanced clinical forms with complications more frequently.
Au fost examinate 126 de cazuri de tuberculoză primar depistată, în vârstă pînă la 3 ani. S-a constatat, că majoritatea copiilor au fost depistaţi prin control profilactic – 101 (80,0%). Prin adresare s-au depistat 20,0% cazuri, la care debutul bolii a evaluat sub o “mască”, ce atenua simptomologia tuberculozei. Cel mai frecvent s-a înregistrat tuberculoza ganglionilor limfatici intratoracici (91%). Vaccinarea necalitativă s-a constatat în 51,0% cazuri din cei îmbolnăviţi, la ei mai frecvent s-au depistat formele clinice avansate şi cu complicaţii.