The method of heuristic conversation in teaching french The method of heuristic conversation represents an effective method in teaching French. It constitutes a permanent dialogue between teacher-student, student-student on scientific and education themes. The method of heuristic conversation enables the student to express himself. It supports and promotes the individual work. This method changes the student’s critical thinking system and it develops his skills of clear and effective communication, both oral and written one. Only taking active part in dialogues, the student acquires skills that help him to find solutions in difficult situations, he structures the accumulated knowledge and he can use new notions.
Opţiunea profesorului pentru o anumită metodă este o decizie de mare complexitate. Orice metodă, fie ea clasică, modernă, tradiţională sau interactivă, are un caracter polifuncţional, în sensul că poate participa simultan sau succesiv la realizarea a mai multor obiective instructiveducative. Dacă obiectivele sunt precise, concrete, bine determinate, conţinutul activităţii, fiind bine selectat, dacă potenţialul de învăţare a studenţilor este suficient şi condiţiile materiale sunt corespunzătoare, se poate proceda just la alegerea metodelor de instruire, a materialelor didactice şi a mijloacelor de învăţămînt pentru efectuarea situaţiei educaţionale.