Morphology of the ascending aorta with clinical implications The objective of this study was to examine clinically relevant region of the ascending aorta and to analyse dependence of the mechanical properties of this portion of the aorta on the coronary diseases. With regard to mentioned region, it was suggested that its location corresponds to the level of boundary of two mesenchyme developmental sources of the ascending aorta. The present study confirmed the effect of impaired vasa vasorum flow on the mechanics of the ascending aorta and its implications for the pathogenesis of aortic aneurysm. The findings of the present study support the hypothesis that impaired vasa vasorum flow of the ascending aorta caused by the coronary chronical diseases may play an important role in the development of aneurysm and its rupture.
S-a examinat zona ce prezintă interes clinic pe aorta ascendentă şi dependenţa proprietăţilor mecanice din sectorul respectiv de maladiile vaselor coronare. S-a demonstrat faptul că localizarea zonei indicate corăspunde limitei dintre două surse mezenchimale ale dezvoltării aortei ascendente. Acest studiu confirmă efectul bolilor coronare ischemice asupra proprietăţilor mecanice ale aortei ascendente şi evidenţiază importanţa lor în patogeneza aneurismului şi în ruperea peretelui aortal al aceastei patologii.