Morfologie normală și patologică


Recent Submissions

  • Sochircă, Octavian; Goţonoagă, Eugen; Botezatu, Anatol; Ştirbu, Oxana; Hacina, Tamara (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Topography and sphincters of the extrahepatic bile ways and pancreatic ducts This article represents the result of a short study on 58 non-formalized and formalized hepatobilo- pancreatic complexes colected from children ...
  • Niculescu, Mihaela; Mîndrilă, Ion; Babuci, Angela; Babuci, Marian (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Morphofunctional aspects of the structures with cyclomorphoses Our research was performed on a cohort of 59 ovaries without primary or/ and secondary lesions. The ovaries were taken from new-born girls and from women 21-64 ...
  • Şaptefraţi, Lilian (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Divergent expression of endoglin and marker of proliferation Ki67 in the benign and malign lesions of the uterine cervix In this study we show, for the first time, application of double immunohistochemical stain method ...
  • Belic, Olga (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Anatomical relations between left and right diaphragmatic nerves with celiac plexus ganglions Diaphragmatic nerve is a main source of celiac plexus´s formation. During its path the nerves receive communication branches ...
  • Pretula, Ruslan (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    The histological modifications in uterus during its post-partum involution The histological modifications in uterus during its post-partum involution were investigated. It was determined that the process of post-partum ...
  • Darii, Alexei (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    The vascular system morphometry from the choroids plexus of the brain The digital values of the blood vessels from the choroids plexus of the human brain vary between them at different stages during ontogenetic development. ...
  • Cebanu, Alexandru (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Making an analysis of specialized literature on the limb’s transplantation, it can be ascertained that the satisfactory results in this area have been obtained in 20th century, following the discovery of suturing vessels ...
  • Taşnic, Mihail (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Peculiarities of origin, ramification and distribution of the superior intraseptal branch of the heart The actual study established the morphological peculiarities of the superior intraseptal branch from the left coronary ...
  • Florea, Marina (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Bone circulation plays an important role in bone physiology. Angiogenesis at the fracture site has been identified as one of the most significant parameters influencing the healing procedure. This is explained by the fact ...
  • Botezatu, Anatol; Mustea, Alexander; Sochircă, Octavian; Goţonoagă, Eugen (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    This article represents a study of the coeliac trunk and its branches. It was done on 46 complexes of the organs from the persons of various age, the cause of death being other than the pathologies of the organs involved. ...
  • Efremova, Daniela (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Ovarian cancer is the most frequent cause of death among malignant tumors, especially in the well-developed countries, the main reason of it being late diagnosis (70-75 per cent). Because of the difficulty of its early ...
  • Nederiţa, Ion (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) also known as nodular hyperplasia, benign prostatic hypertrophy refers to the increase in size of the prostate in middle-aged and elderly men. To be accurate, the process is one of ...
  • Cucu, Tatiana; Gaiu, Sorin (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR TBC) represents a form of tuberculosis , characterized by resistance towards at least two antituberculous drugs of the first line (isoniaside and rifampicine). This type of chemical ...
  • Hacina, Tamara; Bîrzoi, Lilian (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Morphology of the ascending aorta with clinical implications The objective of this study was to examine clinically relevant region of the ascending aorta and to analyse dependence of the mechanical properties of this portion ...
  • Certan, Galina; Ștefaneț, Mihail; Babuci, Angela; Zorin, Zinaida (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Neuroganglionic fields in diverse sectors of the superior vena cava The morphological characteristics of the neuroganglionic fields in some sectors were manifested as reflexogenic zones. The neuroganglionic formations ...
  • Cucu, Tatiana (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Chronic hyperglycemia in Diabetes Mellitus (DM) represents the basis of the production of chronic lesions, specific for this pathology. Its negative effects are realized by the means of forcing some abnormal metabolic ...
  • Zota, Eremei; Lîsîi, Leonid; Munteanu, Andrei (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Cardiovascular diseases are becoming the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Scientific and technological progress has had a negative impact on human life, by limiting physical activity while allowing high morbility, ...
  • Ştefaneţ, Mihail; Batîr, Dumitru; Catereniuc, Ilia; Babuci, Angela; Belic, Olga; Certan, Galina (CEP Medicina, 2009)
    Morphofunctional characteristics of the fibrous cords of the funiculotesticular complex and their role in the haemodynamics of the testis The vessels of the funiculotesticular complex are distinguished by presence of ...