One of from modern risk factors is computer’s electromagnetic fields. In the majority of cases the accepted exceeding limits of electromagnetic fields are generated by computers which lack the soil connection, in this case the connection is not qualitative, or in the case of network connection by means of connective cables or lengtheners made up of two wires. For Republic of Moldova the problem of level exceeding in computer’s electromagnetic fields in the work space is very actual, from 550 tests of work places tested in 21 factories and institutions in 32.8% of cases were recorded outrunning.
Unul din factorii de risc moderni sunt câmpurile electromagnetice generate de computer. În majoritatea cazurilor depa s irea limitelor admise ale câmpurilor electromagnetice sunt generate de computerele la care lipses te unirea cu solul, este instalata necalitativ, sau în cazul conectarii la retea prin cabluri de conexiune sau prelungitoare din doua fire, etc. Pentru Republica Moldova problema depasirii limitelor (nivelurilor) admisibile ale câmpurilor electromagnetice generate de computer în zona de munca este destul de actuala , din 550 locuri de munca testate de la 21 întreprindri s i institut ii în 32.8 % cazuri sau înregistrat depasiri.