It was studied the morbidity with temporally incapacity at the Ionel’ sewing factory during the 2003-2007 years. It was established that the frequency index of morbidity had a tendency to increase during the first years and the tendency to lowering during following years. In the structure of morbidity on the first places there were disease of respiratory apparatus (24%), bone system (12%) and trauma (12%).
S-a studiat morbiditatea cu incapacitate temporara de munca a angajat ilor fabricii de confect ii S.A. “Ionel” pe parcursul anilor 2003-2007. S-a stabilit ca indicele de frecvent a morbiditatii are o tendinta preponderenta de crestere în primii ani si de scadere în urmatorii ani. În structura morbiditatii pe primele locuri se plaseaza bolile aparatului respirator (24%), bolile aparatului osteoarticular (12%), traumele (12%).