There were investigated the spirograph indices and attention of the pupils I – IV classes from five schools in Chis inau – city. It was established that the spirograph indices were reduced in respiratory diseases and there is a direct correlation with the grade of diseases’ severity. The level of attention was a little higher at girls from healthy group in comparison with experimental group(sick pupils) and the number of mistakes was higher at boys in comparison with girls in both groups.
La elevii claselor I-IV din 5 licee din mun. Chisinau, s-au investigat indicii spirografici si nivelul atentiei. S-a stabilit ca în maladiile respiratorii cronice indicii spirometriei au valori reduse, ce coreleaza direct cu gradele de severitate a maladiilor. Nivelul atentiei este put in mai mic la fetele s i ba iet ii din grupul de studiu (bolnavi) fat a de grupul control (sanatosi), iar numa rul de gres eli este mai mare la baietii din grupul de studiu cât si din grupul control fata de fetele din aceleasi grupe.