The invalidity continues to affect in big proportions the population, including the working part of it, the children and teen-agers, which represents a source of disequilibrium of the social micro groups (the family, the work, the school etc). All this makes necessary the elaboration, recommended to the person with disabilities, used for helping these persons to attend and to keep an optimal level of physical activity, intellectual, psychical and/or social. In conclusion, although there is certain progress at the level of the social politics which have created legislative, administrative and institutional premises for the implementation of the vitality medical expertise of the system reform, the practical forms are not felt yet.
Invaliditatea continua sa afecteze în proportii mari populatia, inclusiv cea apta de munca , copiii si adolescentii, ceea ce constituie o sursa de dezechilibru al microgrupurilor sociale (familie, serviciu, scoala etc.). Toate acestea fac necesara elaborarea unui program individual de reabilitare, recomandat persoanei cu dizabilitati în scopul de a ajuta aceste persoane sa atinga si sa mentina un nivel optim de activitate fizica , intelectuala , psihica si/sau sociala. În concluzie, desi exista progrese incontestabile la nivelul politicilor sociale care au creat premisele legislative, administrative si institutionale pentru implementarea reformei sistemului de expertiza medicala a vitalitatii, formele practice înca nu sunt resimtite.