Social problems such as poverty, unemployment and inadequate educational system have impeded and considerably reduced the State facilities for granting and respecting the Right to Health Protection.
Since the liquidation of kolkhozes, sovkhozes and reforms in Moldovan agriculture, as the so-called "Land Reform", a great number of population groups, such as independent farmers, were put under a disadvantage as compared to the rest of the population, including the rendering of medical assistance:
1. The minimal number of insured peasants in comparison with other social groups of the population in Moldova.
2. Insufficient peasants access to medical assistance within the limits of compulsory medical insurance.
3. Low sanitary and hygienic level among rural population.
4. A small amount of medical assistance covering in the unique program package of Compulsory Medical Insurance for uninsured peasants.
5. Independent farmers high morbidity influenced by important environment local factors, particularly respiratory, musculoskeletal and nervous system and digestive tract morbid states which can be considered as occupational peasants disease.
6. High death rate of able-to-work farmers.
Hence, a territorial and Republican program for disadvantageous working population engaged in agriculture should be implemented.
The objective of the program is to contribute to long-term health improvement of local peasants.