This study had the aim to evaluate the causes and risk factors of the auto-aggressive (auto-destructive) behavior in rezistent depressions. It was stable that the patients had the presuicide syndrome clinically manifested by the feeling of inferiority, aggressiveness to the aims, helplessness and hopelessness, the semi-conceived reporting of suicidal ideas and the depression was the main reason of these attempts. As the risk factors of the auto-aggressive behavior in refractory depression may be named: familial history of the auto-destructive behavior, the negative existential - familial events and the comorbidity with other psychiatric disturbances.
Lucrarea a avut ca scop evaluarea cauzelor, factorilor de risc pentru comportamentul autodestructiv în depresiile rezistente. În baza acestui studiu s-a stabilit, că la pacienţi s-a notat un sindrom presuicidar, manifestat clinic prin sentimente de inferioritate, agresivitate faţă de scopuri, neajutorare şi disperare, comunicare semiconştientă a ideilor suicidare, iar depresia a fost cauza principală ale acestor tentative. Ca factori de risc la un comportament autodestructiv în depresia refractară pot fi nominalizaţi: istoric familial de comportament autodestructiv, evenimente existenţial - familiale negative, comorbiditatea cu alte tulburări psihiatrice.