Psihiatrie, narcologie


Recent Submissions

  • Nicolaescu, Dorina; Cheptene, Cristina; Lopuşanscaia, Marina; Mîndrilă, Veronica; Sagaidac, Parascovia (CEP "Medicina", 2009)
    The premenstrual syndromes (PMS) are represented by a group of physical and/or neuropsychological symptoms which repeat during the late lutheal phase of the menstrual cycle at about 5% of female population and disappear ...
  • Ivanenco, Valeriu; Socrovişciuc, Alexandru (CEP "Medicina", 2009)
    The problem of pregnant women epilepsy treatment is becoming more and more important. Drug therapy of pregnant women suffering from epilepsy faces many problems such as: interrelation between epilepsy and pregnancy, ...
  • Revenco, Mircea; Deliv, Inga; Coşciug, Ion (CEP "Medicina", 2009)
    An important minority of people, those who are internet users, develop a pathological passion towards it, named „internet-addiction”. This is way new concept for psychiatric science, it’s neither met in ICD-10, nor in ...
  • Condratiuc, Svetlana; Revenco, Mircea; Spinei, Larisa; Nacu, Anatol; Oprea, Valentin; Deliv, Inga (CEP "Medicina", 2009)
    A method of anonymous investigation has been carried out in 2061 teenagers between 12-17 from different schools and lyceums in the Republic of Moldova. The prevalence of the psychoactive substance use in teens in the ...
  • Cărăuşu, Ghenadie; Bacalu, Alina (CEP "Medicina", 2009)
    This study had the aim to evaluate the causes and risk factors of the auto-aggressive (auto-destructive) behavior in rezistent depressions. It was stable that the patients had the presuicide syndrome clinically manifested ...
  • Nacu, Alexandru; Boşneagă, Emilia; Nacu, Anatol; Nastas, Igor; Boronin, Larisa (CEP "Medicina", 2009)
    The present work is dedicated to asthenic syndrome of the participants in Cernobyl calamity. From the point of vient of its, progressive action, of mental disorders, they were classified in three stages. After each stage, ...
  • Cărăuşu, Ghenadie; Copăceanu, Natalia; Timofti, Ludmila (CEP "Medicina", 2009)
    This article contains psychopathological aspects of anxious depression, the therapy with antidepressive agents, insisting on the importance of the early diagnosis and proper treatment. In this research therapeutical conduct ...
  • Cărăuşu, Ghenadie; Sidorenko, Liudmila (CEP "Medicina", 2009)
    This article contains psychopathological aspects of depression in arterial hypertension, the therapy with antidepressive agents, insisting on the importance of the early diagnosing and proper treatment. In this research ...
  • Cărăuşu, Ghenadie; Lopuşanscaia, Marina; Nicolaescu, Dorina; Cărăuşu, Mariana (CEP "Medicina", 2009)
    Approximately 10 % of population suffers from chronic insomnia. In this research was studied the particularities of insomnia in depressive disorders. The data analysis shows that combined pharmaceutical and psychotherapeutical ...
  • Revenco, Mircea; Nacu, Alexandru; Boronin, Larisa; Nastas, Igor; Trofailă, Eugen (CEP "Medicina", 2009)
    The present work is a bibliographical revision of extrapyramidal reactions induced by neuroleptics. Clinical criteria a specified of late dyskinesia that appear after a long administration of neuroleptics, mainly after ...