Filologie medicală


Recent Submissions

  • Ojovan, Vitalina (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Addressing the subject of ethical codes is of a particular importance in the present-day medicine. Ever since ancient times to our days, these have become an integral part of medical activity and harmoniously regulate the ...
  • Cebotari, Diana (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    The assessment of the results of the activity in education, highlights the value, the level and achievements, the efficiency and efforts made by all the educational factors and the efficiency of the training activity. The ...
  • Mincu, Eugenia; Busuioc, Aliona; Ţurcan, Nadejda (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    The language in its tridimension (word – object, word – word, word – ego hic nunc) is an intelectual reflection of the time’s spirit, of the existing reality. Actualisation of the language in different spheres of additonal ...
  • Mincu, Eugenia; Chiriac, A. (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    „The Martyr of the Romanism”, the priest and prophet D. Matcovschi is a Basarabian who for four decades „burns as a candle at the altar of the word” which expresses the truth, he is in search of fairness to his people, in ...
  • Voloşciuc, Victoria; Costiuc, Natalia; Scutelnic, Raisa (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    The problem of the medical language has always been essential in medicine since ancient times. For the students from the department of medicine the medical terminology represents a way of enriching their vocabulary during ...
  • Lupu, Larisa; Mincu, Eugenia; Ţurcan, Nadejda (CEP "Medicina", 2010)
    The central element of the conscious method is the game as a means of training. The conscious method contributes to the consolidation, specification checking and assessment of the students’ knowledge. This method can be ...
  • Doronin, Natalia (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Studying a foreign language implies the formation of writing and speaking skills, as well as obtaining some performances that will help the student read and speak. From the theoretical point of view, learning is based on ...
  • Panciuc, Liliana; Tumuruc, Olga (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    An effective method of developing students` communicative skills is the debate. This method promotes a constant and fluent communication. Debate is an excellent activity for language learning because it engages students ...
  • Tumuruc, Olga; Panciuc, Liliana (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    The course of English for medical purposes is always characterized by a search for more effective ways of teaching. When designing a lecture it is important to bear in mind that the ultimate objective is to help students ...
  • Ţurcan, Nadejda; Mincu, Eugenia; Busuioc, Aliona; Cravcenco, Svetlana (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Foreign language communication is based on the ability to understand, express and interpret thoughts, feelings and actions both in oral and writing form. The essay and oral speech are perfect ways in developing communicative ...
  • Scutelnic, Raisa; Voloşciuc, Victoria; Ţapu, Maria (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Dialogue represents a great variety of situations which would enable to create accurately types of interaction and would constitute not only an application of the language theories, but a whole repertory of actions. Thus ...
  • Busuioc, Aliona; Mincu, Eugenia; Ţurcan, Nadejda (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Actualy the communication in our life demands an organized expression, fluency, efficiency. For this purpose we need to correct different language mistakes. Recommended formula will increase the quality of every person ...
  • Ţurcan, Nadejda; Lupu, Larisa (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    An important problem of somatic phrases is their source of formation. A specific interest in French and Romanian languages makes the somatic phrases formed based on gestures and mimicry of human movements. They possess a ...