The medical institutions, working in the new conditions, are motivated and are organizing
structures of quality investigation, in order to prevent same medical risks and to use some current
practices based on medical standards.The promovation of efficient management policy in the field of human resources is the necessary condition for Public Health level optimization and for medical surgery quality growth.
With the help of sociological research it was established the existence of different
possible reserves of quality and efficiency of surgery medical services development.
În noile condiţii de activitate, instituţiile medicale sunt motivate să-şi organizeze structuri
de gestionare a calităţii, de prevenire a riscurilor medicale şi de ajustare a practicilor curente la
standardele medicinii bazate pe dovezi.
Promovarea unei politici eficiente de management al resurselor umane este o condiţie
indispensabilă a optimizării stării sănătăţii populaţiei şi sporirii calităţii serviciilor medicale
chirurgicale.Prin sondaje sociologice am depistat existenţa neajunsurilor şi rezervelor posibile în
ameliorarea calităţii şi eficienţei serviciilor medicale chirurgicale.