Today development and evolution of advanced technology is accompanied by the
emergence of new products, new tools and devices employed nanoscale in nanometer limit,
possessing new properties and are used to address to ...
The matter of abortion, the quintessential bioethics topic, raises intensely personal issues
for many people. It is a polarising and divisive issue that raises discussions about morals,
science, medicine, sexuality, ...
Confronting the present century civilization with a range of global issues is a primary
topic in terms of solving and involvement in the common effort of humanity to save globe’s
world population. The article examines ...
During the development of human thought, connection between philosophies-sciencetheology
is characterized by the moments of conflict, interdependency, dialog and integration
related to the problem of reality’s cognition. ...
In contemporary Medicine and Bioethics an special importance have the approaching of
Malpraxis problem. This phenomen is accentueted more and more in clinic practice, involving
bioethics, social and medical consequences. ...
Ţîrdea, Teodor N.; Ursul, A. D.(CEP Medicina, 2011)
Currently in the development of strategy for survival of mankind, more methods and
mechanisms and various levers are involved. Undoubtedly, achieving this goal requires above all
the transition from the stihinic development, ...
Amendments and interpretations of the securitologic phenomenon occurring at the request
post-industrial culture, and looking for strategies that would ensure human security, this dynamic
latent interdisciplinarism and ...
Environmental ethics as the branch of applied ethics, designed to study the ensemble of
moral values and judgments applicable to the decisional process concerning environment,
appeared in modernity as the result of ...
In this article the author performs the analysis of the process of global ethics constitution from
the perspective of the modern process of globalization. The essence and the content of both
global ethics and global ...
Axiological contemporary phenomenon possesses capacity to evolve in special axiology.
In the development of process values a special importance has some components of social
reality. Some axiological orientations are ...
There was described in this article the situation on maternal mortality as the impact factor of
"depopulation" in the country since the 1990s. The article contains information about the key
moments of the complex and ...
There are described the particularities of surveillance systems in public health this and
mentioned. Their importance for promotion and protection of health al national level was
mentioned. The need of using Public Health ...
The medical institutions, working in the new conditions, are motivated and are organizing
structures of quality investigation, in order to prevent same medical risks and to use some current
practices based on medical ...
In this article are deveribed some particularities of the life’s quality in patients with
The quality of life is a descriptive notion which reflects the emotional, social and physic
wellbeing, and represents an ...
There are described in this work the rates of demographic phenomena in the pediatric
population, the results of prophylactic examinations at preschool children and children under the
age of 18 years, depending on location, ...
Viability of the current system of medical assistance, in decisive way is driven by the
financial capacity. During the years 2004-2010, in Chisinau, the primary health care income
grew annually from 89,433,600 lei in ...
The current study enrolled 49 patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), who had
been followed up and treated at the Institute of Oncology in 2005 - 2010. The diagnosis was
established in the late chronic phase in 47 ...
The phenomenon of loneliness, at the moment is not an acute problem for Republic of
Moldova. Unfortunately, the country's socio-economic problems lead the acceleration and
development of this phenomenon. This article ...
Migration is not only the consequence of poverty, but it is a phenomenon that influences
the sustainable development of the Republic of Moldova, the continuity of reforms implemented
in the social, medical, economic ...
The objective of this article is to provide an overview of the extent to which current
legislation at EU and RM can meet the needs of regulatory requirements for the implementation
of telemedicine technologies.
The study ...