Search Statistics for Strategii și metodologii În instruire și cercetare

Top Search Terms

Search Term Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
1 author_keyword:Adauji, Stela 2 8.33% 0.00
2 author_keyword:Arhire, Victoria 2 8.33% 0.00
3 author_keyword:Babuci, Angela 2 8.33% 0.00
4 author_keyword:Batâr, Dumitru 2 8.33% 0.00
5 author_keyword:Bezverhni, Zinaida 2 8.33% 0.00
6 author_keyword:Busuioc, Aliona 2 8.33% 0.00
7 author_keyword:Bîlici, Nadejda 2 8.33% 0.00
8 author_keyword:Catereniuc, Ilia 2 8.33% 0.00
9 author_keyword:Costiuc, Natalia 2 8.33% 0.00
10 author_keyword:Pruteanu, Maria 2 8.33% 0.00


Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
24 100.00% 0.00