During 23 years, the incidence of isolated mandible fractures increased up to 1,69%,
which is explained by decreasing the number of hospital beds from 60 (1987) to 40 beds
(2010), as well as, the decreasing number of population. Switching from the government
financial assessed medicine to the state healthcare insurance program, as well as private paid
medical services, brought an another factor that have been contributed to the reduction of the
facial trauma. The incidence of the isolated fractures of the mandible consists 79,28% of all
mandible fractures. Angular region of the mandible being held low, is involved in 70% of
cases. Individual splints is frequently applied in the treatment, which is advocated by the low
cost and easy manufacturing technique.
Pe parcursul a 23 ani traumatismul izolat a fracturilor de mandibulă s-a mărit cu 1,69% ce
se explică prin micşorarea numărul de paturi de la 60 (1987) la 40 de paturi(2010) şi micşorarea
polulaţiei. Trecerea de la medicina de stat la medicina prin asigurare şi contra plată este un alt
factor ce a contribuit la micşorarea traumei faciale. Fractura izolată de mandibulă ocupă 79.28%
din toate traumatismele faciale. Regiunea angular a madibulei, fiind loc slab, e implicat în 70%.
Fracturile de mandibulă unilaterale sau înregistrat în 36.66% şi duble în 63.33%. Atela
individuală este frecvent aplicată în tratament, prin costul redus şi tehnica uşoară de