The problem of dental aesthetics has become one of the most demanded in modern
stomatology as an increasing number of patients who wish to have not only functional, but also a
cinema smile. Moldova has several fluorosis ...
Nowdays Dental decay remains one of the actual problem in dentistry. Doctor’s strategy
must be directed on preventive steps and with this purpose must be used professional fluorinetherapy.
Caries-prophylactic influence ...
The study was conducted on 15 patients with "explosive" and hypomineralization dental
caries. CRE index or the number of dental caries, restorations and extractions was calculated and
estimated at 4 -10 points in those ...
In the actual study it has been determined the electroexitability index of dental pulp for 40
patients in 66 molars, the number of measurements being 143. The results of the investigations
have prooved that the ...
Soft leucoplakia is the disease of oral mucosa that occurs more often among young people
and it is frecvently caused by external factors. Clinical events depend on form of disease
(typical or atypical) and treatment is ...
Now there is a tendency in favour of favorabile opinion on the importance of use of
fluorides as helping in reducing indexes of caries both in the developed, and in underdeveloped
The widespread use of methods ...
In daily practice the dentist is often faced with difficult urgent problems which demand a
very quick solution. The most classical problem of this type - fracture of one or more stumps /
supports of crowns or pre-existing ...
The present work contains a study and a synthesis of bibliographic data, prospective
statistics and clinical data upon the efficiency of the contemporary methods of dental whitening.
The study was made on 30 patients ...
The loss of the clinical crown, juxta or subgingival, is still a major problem of dentistry.
Most frequently this loss is of carious nature, simultaneously being the main reason of tooth
extraction. In this paper we’ll ...
Wedge-shaped defect is a non-carious pathology of dental hard tissues, occurred
posteruptively, conditioned by a lesion formation on the dental surface in the form of a cone. The
ethiology of this disease is currently ...
Between the years 2005 and 2010 ninety-three patients have been examined, 31,5% being
detected cuneiform defects of various degrees. Abfraction was the chief etiologic factor. The
performed treatment was varied.
În ...
Oral implantology has become an indispensable branch of modern dentistry. When
consulting the information given by the international and Moldavian literature, it results that
about 60% of the population has one, two or ...
One hundred twenty-nine masticating teeth have been restored making use of the novel
technology of pluristratification (i. e. three different composition materials).
Au fost refăcuţi prin tehnologie inovatoare, ...
The results of dentists’ opinion questioning had a particular role in improving the dental
assistance for population. This is explained by the positive changes in the healthcare system
directly connected with the increase ...
Pain is an experience that everybody lives more or less frequently, with greater or lesser
intensity. A solitary therapy is not 100% sufficient in dental practice, only a combination of
several positive factors have a ...
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the efficiency of the phased drug treatment of
chronic apical periodontitis. A total 47 patients with 62 teeth affected by chronic apical
periodontitis of different forms were ...
During 23 years, the incidence of isolated mandible fractures increased up to 1,69%,
which is explained by decreasing the number of hospital beds from 60 (1987) to 40 beds
(2010), as well as, the decreasing number of ...
At studying of the clinical and laboratory data of some patients, treated in clinic of oral
and maxillofacial surgery of the CNPSDMU during 2004 – 2011 years, who were diagnosed
with “chronic osteomielitis of maxillary ...
In 2009-2011 years period to Center National Scientific and Practical Emergency has been
addressed 16 patients with anterior bilateral temporomandibular joint dislocation where have
been made the clinical and paraclinical ...
Aeschylus fracture of the zygomatic complex in the clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery from Chisinau often is fixed via osteosynthesis methods as one of the safest methods
and more perfect. Immobilization with ...