Oral implantology has become an indispensable branch of modern dentistry. When
consulting the information given by the international and Moldavian literature, it results that
about 60% of the population has one, two or more missing teeth (33% - 1-3 teeth are
missing,12% -4-6 teeth are missing, 4%-7-9are missing and 11%- 10 and more are missing); it
means that at least every second person needs the help of a doctor for having a prosthesis.
Implantologia orală a devenit un compartiment indispensabil stomatologiei moderne.
Conform datelor literaturii mondiale şi din Moldova circa 60% din populaţie au lipsa a unui , doi
sau mai mulţi dinţi (33% - lipsa 1-3dinţi, 12% - a 4-6 dinţi, 4% a 7-9dinţi si 11%- a 10 şi mai
mulţi dinţi), adică fiecare a doua persoană necesită ajutorul medicului stomatolog cu scop