Chirurgie generală


Recent Submissions

  • Anghelici, Gheorghe; Moraru, Viorel; Gaidău, Margarita; Ţarălungă, Veronica (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The patients Child class "A" denotes a proportional distribution volume of the portal intrahepatic hemocirculation (comparable with healthy subjects) with a slight upward trend while patients in group Child "B" and "C" ...
  • Mocan, Elena; Lîsîi, Corneliu; Boaghie, Natalia; Revencu, Tatiana; Nacu, Viorel (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    În prezent, există un interes crescut a utilizării celulelor stem în terapia diferitor boli. Celulele stem au capacitatea de a se devide pentru o perioadă indefinită de timp, de a se autoreînoi şi de a da naştere mai ...
  • Moraru, Viorel; Anghelici, Gheorghe; Pisarenco, Sergiu; Samohvalov, Serghiu; Zaharia, Andrei (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency and clinical significance of microbiologically confirmed bacterial translocation to the mesenteric lymph node in cirrhotic patients with splenomegaly & severe hypersplenism. ...
  • Cazacov, Vladimir (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The clinical casuistry study consisted of 314 cirrhotic patients with SSH, with an age between 16 and 56 years old, admitted, monitored, diagnosed in Surgical Department Nr.2, hepaticobiliopancreatic surgery division. ...
  • Pavliuc, Galina; Andon, Liviu; Danu, Maria; Cereş, Vladimir; Crudu, Oleg; Ceauş, Vasilii (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    We analyzed the treatment outcomes in 63 patients with suppurated liver echinococcus and concluded that intraparenchymal cysts suppurate more often due to compression and communication with the bile ducts. The medication ...
  • Şcerbina, Romeo; Ghidirim, Gheorghe; Lescov, Vitalie; Manea, Vladimir; Boghean, Gheorghe (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The authors present a short literature review and two clinical cases – the comlications of pulmonary tuberculosis treatement : the peptic perforated duodenal ulcer and hemoragic ulcer. In both cases the antiulcers treatment ...
  • Hurmuzache, Artur; Hotineanu, Vladimir; Hotineanu, Adrian; Bortă, Eduard; Ferdohleb, Alexandru; Cazac, Anatol; Bujor, Sergiu; Pripa, Valeriu; Balan, Iulian (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    This article is dedicated to the problem of chronic duodenal obstruction – actual problem of diagnosis of duodenal malrotation as a main component of the pathology in biliopancreatoduodenal region. In a group of patients ...
  • Fosa, Elena; Hotineanu, Vladimir; Hotineanu, Adrian; Cazac, Anatol; Neamţu, Carmen (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    This report represents a study of the contemporary diagnostic methods and treatment of the pancreatic pseudocyst, applied to a number of 265 patients during 1995-2011. The most efficient methods in pancreatic pseudocyst ...
  • Ciobanu, Andrian (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    According to epidemiological statistics,the incidence of myasthenia gravis is 0,002- 0,005/1000 population with a prevalence of 0,05/1000. Male/female-2/3 report [17]. Currently, thymectomy is the only treatment modality ...
  • Beschieru, Eugeniu; Ghidirim, Gheorghe; Rojnoveanu, Gheorghe; Kusturov, Vladimir; Berliba, Sergiu; Pleşco, Elena (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The clinic case is represented by a polytrauma patient after a car crash with a liver injury of the IV degree. After the surgery intervention on liver (hepatorraphy and mesh packs) the patient developed a giant subdiafragmal ...
  • Samohvalov, Sergiu (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    This study aim to analyze data in the literature that therapy is the application of millimeter range electromagnetic waves in various areas of surgical pathology. Electromagnetic waves of low intensity high frequency has ...
  • Casian, Dumitru (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Majority of surgical methods used for treatment of varicose veins include the ablation of saphenous vein by means of endoluminal thermal or chemical obliteration or by means of stripping. The ASVAL (Ablation Selective ...
  • Andon, Liviu; Andon, Elvira; Pavliuc, Galina; Bujor, Petru; Lipovan, Vasile; Danu, Maria (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Repeated operations were performed in 54 patients with residual cavity, purulent fistula, the open bilious channel, the rest of the hydatid cyst, sequesters of the fibrous environment and suture material, residual hydatid ...
  • Cereş, Vladimir; Pavliuc, Galina; Baltag, Alexei; Danu, Maria (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    This study presents the results of treatment of 36 patients with four different forms of varicose disease. Based on these results, we have developed a principled approach to the diagnosis and tactics of treatment in ...
  • Ghidirim, Gheorghe; Kusturov, Vladimir; Paladii, Irina; Mahovici, Igor; Vizitiu, Aliona (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The anatomical structure and the sources of blood supply of the pelvis were considered in detail. The features of the circulation of the pelvic bones: multi-source and unity; well-developed collaterals between the branches ...
  • Ghidirim, Gheorghe; Suman, Ala; Pleşco, Elena; Suman, Serghei (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Clinical signs of acute calculous cholecystitis, including its complicated forms, is conditioned by the type and stage of pathological changes of the gallbladder and of MBD. It has a wide range symptomatolgy - from hardly ...