Repeated operations were performed in 54 patients with residual cavity, purulent fistula,
the open bilious channel, the rest of the hydatid cyst, sequesters of the fibrous environment and
suture material, residual hydatid cysts and cysts due to the relapse of disease.
Improvement of the diagnosis, modernization of surgical techniques and prevention of
intraoperative dissemination by the content of the cysts can reduce the number of repeated
Reintervenţii chirurgicale la 54 bolnavi au fost efectuate pentru cavitate restanta, fistule
purulente, cale biliară deschisă, reziduu elementelor chistului hidatic, sechestre a membranei
fibroase şi materialul de sutură, chist hidatic rezidual si recidivant.
Reintervenţiile chirurgicale pot fi reduse prin diagnosticul în complex, modernizarea
tehnicii chirurgicale şi profilaxia desiminării intraoperatorie cu conţinut hidatic.
Catedra chirurgie 2,Clinica chirurgie 2,USMF” N.Testemiţanu”, SCM „Sf. Treime”,
Chişinău, R.Moldova