The study is addressed to etiological structure of septico-purulent infections at patients
from the hospital of traumatology. Includes 1269 patients that were found 2013 strains of
microorganisms. Is confirmed polyetiologic phenomenon. Septico-purulent infections were
caused by 18 species of microorganisms, including, gram-positive - 63,20%, gram-negative -
35,56%, fungus - 1,24%. Predominate: S. aureus- 39,19%, S. faecalis - 12,76%, P. aeruginosa-
10,68%, S. epidermidis - 9,49%, E.aerogenes-8,64%, E.coli - 4,40%, Citrobacter - 6,21%,
Proteus - 2,89%, Klebsiella-1,89%. At 43,55% of patients from the pathological outbreaks were
found associations of microorganisms, including: two species at 36,46% of patients, three species
– 11,95%, four species – 0,85%, five species – 0,16%. Predominant in associations they have
proved to be 8 species of microorganisms: S.aureus-31,52%. S. Faecalis-19,48%, P.aeruginosa-
10,86%, E. Aerogenes - 10,25%, S. Epidermidis - 5,35%, E. Coli - 5,04%, Citrobacter - 7,35%,
Proteus - 5,04%, Klebsiella - 2,01%.
Studiul este adresat structurii etiologice a infecţiilor septico-purulente la pacienţii din
staţionarele de profil traumatologic. Cuprinde 1269 pacienţi de la care au fost decelate 2013
tulpini de microorganisme. Este confirmat fenomenul polietiologic. Infecţiile septico-purulente
au fost provocate de 18 specii de microorganisme, inclusiv, grampozitive - 63,20%,
gramnegative - 35,56%, fungi- 1,24%. Predomină: S. aureus - 39,19%, S. faecalis - 12,76%, P.
aeruginosa -10,68%, S. epidermidis-9,49%, E.aerogenes - 8,64%, E.coli - 4,40%, Citrobacter-
6,21%, Proteus - 2,89%, Klebsiella - 1,89%. La 43,55% din pacienţi din focarele patologice au
fost decelate asociaţii de microorganisme, inclusiv: din două specii la 36,46% din pacienţi, trei
specii - 11,95%, patru specii - 0,85%, cinci specii-0,16%. Predominante în asociaţii s-au dovedit
a fi 8 specii de microorganisme: S.aureus - 31,52%. S. Faecalis-19,48%, P.aeruginosa - 10,86%,
E. aerogenes - 10,25%, S. Epidermidis - 5,35%, E. Coli - 5,04%, Citrobacter - 7,35%, Proteus -
5,04%, Klebsiella - 2,01%.