E-learning is a form of learning comprizing various methods of studying performed by
ICT.This way of tackling the problem offers multiple opportunies to create alternative learning
space. The present article gives a ...
There exist various techniques in performing tests, not only in english but also in many
other foreign languages. Tests can give us answers to all our questions using the above
mentioned Testing Techniques: subjective ...
The knowing of Romanian language and Romanian medical terminology by both native
and international speakers is a necessity generated by the socio-professional environment which
exists in the Republic of Moldova. The ...
The guidelines system in the basis of the concept of intercultural education within the
higher education involves the trend analysis attested in intercultural education, national and
international levels, psychological, ...
Grammar has rules, which are dealing with formal variations of terms and their relations
in a sentence.
In Romanian language, the numeral is a flexible part of speech, which may express under
many different aspects, a ...
In the practice of the didactic education the process of learning turns to be a complex
system, and the lesson remains ils main nucleus.
The greatest stages of knowledge process consists in getting new knowledge as well ...
Learning involves conscious participation in the studying process. Learning’s goals are the
acquisition of information, skills training, behavior or potential development. The effective
learning process is guided by ...
The essential point of this article is to be aware of the fact both by the teacher and the user,in
order to set up the approach methodof the teaching process as a common responsibility.The user
will go over through the ...
The purpose of the ongoing teaching process is to achieve the ontological
competences,which facilitates the user to integrate plenary in society and to learn the universe
from interior. It is especially important and ...
One of the important manifestations of the system within somatic phraseology [S.Ph] in
French and Romanian is the synonymy. By PhS it should be understood that phraseological units
express one and the same identical ...
The present article studies the words and structures expressing the emotion of anxiety in
English and Romanian languages. There are lexical, syntactic, suprasegmental and suprasentential
means of expressing anxiety in ...
Our world is permanently changed, fact that can be observed in the scientifical area, at
the instrumental level, at the level of techniques and technologies, attitudes and behavior. These
changes are obvious, also, in ...
French and English have been and still are two very important languages in the Western
world culture. According to their history they have a lot of common elements. But, at present,
French language seems to be less ...
The effective speaking means to posess a general and vast knowledge that will include the
abilities and this is the indispensable key in training the specialists from different fields.
The Reading competence is the key ...
To create the use`s competences with the purpose of being applied within the social
framework isan imperative of our modern society. Learning a foreign language doesn`t offer
only the possibility of the user to integrate ...
The interactive device ”7 jours sur la planète” is a free multimedia device that enables the
use of TV5MONDE programs and videos from the Internet in order to make your lessons more
attractive. Due to teaching files ...
The success of lesson depends largely on careful planning of the lesson. Therefore careful
and minute management of the lesson is required to make it as productive as possible. Teacher`s
role is to promote active ...
Scientifical methodology offers a large number of research procedures, which being
adjusted to the specific of the studied field, gives the possibility to open new views, to discover
the scientifical truth. Each science, ...
We always use body language. Even our very presence conveys a message. In our contact
with other people it is impossible not to communicate. Several investigations estimate that at
least 70% of the communication between ...
In the theoretical-practical space of bioethics, there appear debates of notional,
epistemological and methodological order, the fact that complicates its applicability in scientific
practice and creates situations of ...