This work is a review of public policies elaboration activites in the Republic of Moldova,
especially in health care, taking into account the theoretical basis of public policies. Actuality of
this study appears in the context of European integration vector of the country.
Particular attention is given to evaluation as a critical and proactive perspective of policy impact
The evaluation of public policy being a process of analysis of the public policy activities
progress, of medium and long term outcomes and types of impact, in terms of objectives and
considering strategic planning and budgetary process is defined in this paper.
Various classifications of evaluation are presented depending on the time of evaluation,
content of evaluation, way of using the results of evaluation, types of evaluators and the
involvement degree of stakeholders in the process of public policies evaluation.
Această lucrare prezintă o recapitulare a activității de elaborare a politicilor publice în
Republică Moldova, ținându - se seama de bazele teoretice ale politicilor publice. Actualitatea
studiului reiese din contextul vectorului integrării europene.
O atenţie deosebită este acordată evaluării ca perspectivă critică şi proactivă de interpretare
a impactului politicilor publice.
În lucrare este definita evaluarea politicilor publice ca fiind procesul de derulare a
activităţilor politicilor publice, a rezultatelor şi a tipurilor de impact pe termen mediu şi lung, din
perspectiva obiectivelor şi planificării bugetare.