Clinical picture of acute odontogenic periostitis of the jaws can be various and it depends
on: etiological factor, pathogenesis of the infectious process, its location and spread, age and
concurrent diseases, and other factors. Evolution of acute odontogenic periostitis has a specific
clinical peculiarity. It is more frequently located on the vestibular side of the alveolar process of
the jaws. Radiological examination and antibioticogram are considered the main paraclinical
investigations to establish the proper diagnosis. Periosteotomy is the compulsory method
regardless of the clinical stage of the acute process. Evolution of periostitis is favorable.
Clinica periostitei odontogene acute a maxilarelor poate fi foarte variată şi va depinde de:
factorul etiologic şi patogenia procesului infecţios, localizarea şi extinderea lui, vârsta şi
maladiile concomitente, şi alţi factori. Evoluţia periostitei odontogene acute are o particularitate
clinică specifică. Mai frecvent e localizat pe partea vestibulară a procesului alveolar a
maxilarelor. Examenul radiologic şi antibioticograma sunt explorările paraclinice de baza în
stabilirea diagnosticului. Periostotomia e metoda obligatorie indiferent de faza clinic a procesului
acut. Evoluţia periostitei este favorabilă.