Obstetrică și ginecologie: Recent submissions

  • Eşanu, Taisia; Ţurcanu, Steliana; Ivanov, Ludmila (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    Sterility acting on the mental state of the organism and is manifested through increase nerve liability processes or inhibition their, reduce such individuals against the interests of the environment and profession; therefore ...
  • Paladi, Gheorghe; Tabuica, Uliana; Tăutu, Ludmila (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    Multiple gestation is an actual subject due to the frequent maternal and fetal complications and its continuing increasing incidence as a result of a large application of assistant reproduction technologies. This article ...
  • Roşca, P.; Gaidău, Eudochia; Friptu, V.; Revencu, Tatiana; Musteaţă, Ana; Profire, Liliana (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    Reproductive losses and the socio-demographic situation have a great impact on the population reproduction; that is they influence each other and the population reproduction in to two directions: ameliorative and negative. ...
  • Mihalcean, Luminiţa (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    The aim of our research consists of the incidence of pregnancy stopped in evolution until 21 weeks in women with this pathology during of 2007 from CMH nr.1, where were hospitalized all women with stopped pregnancy, who ...
  • Corolcova, Natalia; Raeţcaia, Victoria; Alaeldin, M.; Rusu, C. (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    As a result of analysis the medical records of 74 neonates with cervical trauma, as well as delivery histories of their mothers, realization of X-ray examinations of cervical region of the vertebral column and ...
  • Mohammad, Aldiabat (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    Insufficient milk represents a major reason for early discontinuation of breastfeeding. The aim of the study was to evaluate the role of iron deficiency in the development of insufficient milk (hypogalactia). Our results ...
  • Stavinskaia, Liudmila; Sărbu, Zinaida; Oprea, Inga; Leaşev, A. (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    The study results have appreciated that the most frequent extra genital pathology which is causing FPI (fetoplacental insufficiency) was chronic pielonephritis present in every third patient included in the study and that ...
  • Cerneţchi, Olga; Ostrofeţ, Constantin; Sarbu, Zinaida (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    The rezults of this study, related that maintenance of oxiprolini, lisini and prolini was increase by paticents whis aderenceal procesus after surgical intervention in comparated whis healthy women. If comparated this ...
  • Iliadi-Tulbure, Corina (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    The study is based on evaluation of 182 cases in SCMN1, city of Chisinău, from wich 114 cases of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), 31 cases of constitutional hypotrophy and 37 cases from control group. Maternal ...
  • Cardaniuc, Corina; Ciornîi, A.; Friptu, V.; Guţu, L.; Surguci, M.; Todiraş, M. (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    The present study was designed to assess the vascular morphology of isolated uterine arteries in case of uterine fibromyoma. Our histological and morphometric findings demonstrated the increase in thickness in all layers ...
  • Eşanu, Taisia; Cerneţchi, Olga; Dondiuc, Iurie (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    Tempestuons pregnancy interruption represents a major problem in the modern obstetrics with a fugh influence on perinatal mortality indexes and infant morbidity. There are more groups of pharmacologic preparations with ...
  • Sankarankuzhi Shukoor, Fatima; Kaippadath, Jishad; Cardaniuc, Corina; Surguci, M. (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    This article is dedicated to the particularities of etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of PCOS. The most recent knowledge indicates that abnormal insulin response to glucose stimulus is a key underlying factor in PCOS. ...
  • Manoli, Ana; Zazulina, Irina (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    As a result of the examination of 140 case histories of parturients with pelvic Breech Delivery, had underwent cesarean section and were investigated on the fallowing criteria: anamnesis, development of pregnancy and the ...
  • Dondiuc, Iurie; Cazacu, Zoreana; Gaevschi, Iana (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    The particularities of the current early neonatal period by 50 babies, born after IVF have been analyzed. It is installed that by 78% babies existed the breach of the period to adaptation, 38% babies were preterm born that ...
  • Cazacu, Zoreana; Duzinchevici, Olesea; Eşanu, Taisia (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    The particularities of pregnancy and delivery evolution in 108 cases, complicated with isthmico-cervical insufficiency and surgical correction during pregnancy have been analyzed. The efficiency of surgical correction of ...
  • Corolcov, Natalia; Alaeldin, M.; Rusu, C.; Raeţcaea, Victoria (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    The article contains retrospective analysis of 254 delivery cases, where a comparison between ultrasonographic and clinical methods of calculation of the estimated weight of fetuses was performed.By precision the article ...
  • Calaraş, Maxim; Burgoci, Natalia (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    The aim of the study was to emphasize the criteria for vaginal birth in women with a history of surgical intervention on uterus. The results of the study, as well as the literature data, revealed an increase in natural ...
  • Damir, Natalia (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    Pregnancy begins when an ovum is fertilized by a sperm, forming the embryo. Normally the embryo implants itself in the mother’s uterus. The Ectopic Pregnancy is implanted in outside the uterus. The most common one is the ...
  • Gaevscaia, Iana; Găină, Gheorghe (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    In this report were analised 93 observation files from the data base of IMSP SCM nr.1,from the obstretical sections, during 2006-2007. Based on these date,we analised how is leading the birth in pregnancies with viral ...
  • Tocarciuc, Ina; Cardaniuc, Corina; Surguci, M.; Todiraş, M. (CEP Medicina, 2008)
    The aim of the study was to investigate the clinical effect of S-ethylizothiourone (Izoturon) in the prevention of primary dysmenorrhea. Our results explicitly indicate that Izoturon 100 mg. (vaginal suppositories) is an ...

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