It was studied the outbreaks of food poisoning, both microbial and non-microbial origin
occurred in Chisinau municipality over the last period of 10 years (2003 -2012). It was
established, that they were recorded annually. The share of the food samples that didn’t meet
the current standards had a tendency to decreasing. There were determined the main offending
food-stuffs, factors and conditions that favored the appearance of diseases. The analysis of the
obtained results allows the developing of a plan of measures for prevention of food poisoning.
Au fost studiate izbucnirile de intoxicaţii alimentare, atât de origine microbiană, cât şi
nemicrobiană, care au avut loc în municipiul Chişinău pe parcursul ultimei perioade de 10
ani(2003-2012). S-a constatat, că acestea se înregistrau anual. Cota-parte a probelor de alimente,
care n-au corespuns standardelor în vigoare, a avut tendinţa spre scădere. Au fost determinate
principalele produse alimentare incriminate, factorii şi condiţiile, care au favorizat apariţia
maladiilor. Analiza rezultatelor obţinute permite elaborarea unui plan de măsuri de prevenire a
intoxicaţiilor alimentare.