Institutional Repository in Medical Sciences
(IRMS – Nicolae Testemițanu SUMPh)

Sănătate Publică, Economie şi Management în Medicină Nr. 6 (57) / 2014

Sănătate Publică, Economie şi Management în Medicină Nr. 6 (57) / 2014


Recent Submissions

  • Unknown author (Asociația Obștească "Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină", 2014)
    Revista ”Sănătate Publică, Economie și Management în Medicină” prezintă ediția periodică fondată de Asociația Obștească din Republica Moldova ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” în anul 2003. Asociația Obștească ...
  • Zaporojan, Aculina; Bahnarel, Ion; Tarcea, Monica; Zepca, Victor; Cazacu-Stratu, Angela (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    This article describes the analysis of menu of 10 rural high schools and a sector from Chisinau from the Republic of Moldova during the warm season. Highlights the average amount of food consumed by a pupil given at the ...
  • Tinta, Nina; Ghidirim, Victoria; Apostol, Mariana; Râbac, Liudmila; Constantinova, Oxana (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    Enteroviruses (polio viruses, Coxsackie A and B, Echovirus and enterovirus 68-71) include numerous pathogens that cause various forms of human diseases may thus be affected digestive tract, respiratory tract and sometimes ...
  • Tcaci, Eudochia; Jardan, Elena (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    250 people were investigated contents of Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn in the hair. Concentrations of Pb and Cd in the hair did not exceed the recommended limits. Cu and Zn were evaluated also as micronutrients necessary for the body. ...
  • Şihlearov, Rafail (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    This article reports the methods of organization the promoting events regarding the measures for strengthening health among the population of Orhei, spent by the specialists from the Center for Public Health Orhei for ...
  • Rîmiș, Constantin; Secrieru, Pavel; Guţan, Oleg (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    The phenomenon of antimicrobial resistance is a global public health problem. Infections caused by resistant microorganisms fail to respond to treatment, resulting in the extension and severity of disease and increased ...
  • Puiu, Tudor; Gonciar, Liuba; Tcaci, Eudochia; Nalba, Alexandru; Postica, Nina; Băbălău, Victor (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    In the article is specifi ed morphological structure of household waste in Chisinau. There is brought into dynamicthe technology of their collection and temporary storage, thechanges of management with implementation ...
  • Pîsla, Mihail; Arnaut, Natalia; Bahnarel, Ion; Zepca, Victor; Cazacu-Stratu, Angela (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    There were elucidated some aspects of health education to primary school pupils that are proposed in the learning activities for teachers in order to model skills to avoid risk factors for life. The primary aim is to ...
  • Palanciuc, Mihail; Suveică, Luminiţa; Cociu, Svetlana (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    According to the World Health Organization data, annually are estimates about 8 million new cases of active tuberculosis and 3 million of deaths. Each tenth case is diagnosed with MDR TB in the Republic of Moldova and ...
  • Munteanu, T.; Iularji, Natalia; Grecu, C.; Ceauş, T.; Antosii, Ludmila; Chirlici, A.; Rubanovici, V. (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    It was analysed and evaluated the results of sanitary-microbiological investigations of food-stuffs’ samples made in the Centre of Public Health of Chişinau municipality during the 5 years (2009–2013). Obtained data allowed ...
  • Lupu, Marina; Friptuleac, Grigore (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    There are presented results of investigations of the level of atmospheric air pollution in Chisinau and Balti in the period of 2008-2012 years. It was established that motor transport became and continues to be the main ...
  • Levinschi, Marina; Sofronie, Olga; Scutaru, Ana; Lungu, Larisa (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    Digestive tract infections is more frequent in children, but it can affect all ages. The aim of the paper was to analyse the etiology of digestive tract infections. This work includes the results of laboratory tests ...
  • Grabovschi, Ludmila; Ghilas, Tatiana (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    It was studied a case of epidemic outbreak of disentery in the preschool institution from Telenesti. Fluid path and habitual are key factors in such eruption. Due to operational and preventive measures undertaken to ...
  • Furtună, Nicolae; Tinta, Nina; Constantinova, Oxana; Mînăscurtă, Tamara; Ceban, Zinaida (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    The purpose of this article is to assess the particularities of human influenza epidemic process in Chisinau for the period 1992-2013, as factors that caused morbidity through this infection. The surveillance data from ...
  • Furtună, Nicolae; Tinta, Nina; Mînăscurtă, Tamara; Rîbac, Liudmila; Ceban, Zinaida; Suveică, Luminița (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    In this work is presented the epidemiological situation in the Chişinău municipality and in Republic of Moldova. There are described the particularities of the epidemiological process of meningococcal infection in ...
  • Furtună, Nicolae; Tinta, Nina; Mînăscurtă, Tamara; Rîbac, Liudmila; Ceban, Zinaida (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    The article presents an in-depth analysis of long-term statistics that confirm the high effectiveness of vaccination, which allowed hundreds of times to reduce the morbidity of mumps. A significant reduction in morbidity, ...
  • Friptuleac, Grigore; Beţ, Vadim (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    Body mass index was calculated at 600 women by 200 cooks, hairdressers and educators. It was found that most people who fall into overweight and obesity according to BMI values were cooks (49.5% and 10.5%), followed by ...
  • Dodiță, Parascovia; Suveică, Luminița (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    This paper provides the analysis of nosocomial infections in surgical patients registered in Chisinau city in the period of 2008-2013 years. The analysis shows that the incidence of nosocomial infections in surgical ...
  • Cojocaru, Iurie; Babin, Lucia (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    The material presented reflects the pupils’ health from the pre-university institutions from Chişinău, the diseases of the nervous system the relation to the factors that influences it. The study was conducted over a ...
  • Chirlici, Alexei; Avadanii, Tatiana; Avadanii, Ion; Curecheru, Gheorghe; Antosii, Ludmila; Iularji, Natalia (Asociația Obștească ”Economie, Management și Psihologie în Medicină” din Republica Moldova, 2014)
    There were analyzed and evaluated the results of state supervision of public health of catering objectives in Chisinau municipality during a period of three years (2010-2012) by studying of 300 reports of hygienic ...

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