The Moldovan Medical Journal 2018: Recent submissions

  • Lesnic, Evelina; Cotelea, Eugen (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Drug injection is considered an important issue for the public health of the Republic of Moldova. In the RM the intravenous drug users (IVDU) are the key population for HIV infection, B and C hepatitis, TB and ...
  • Postaru, Cristina; Malkina, Victoria; Pankratova, Natalia; Postnikov, Mihail (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: The aim of the study included interdisciplinary efficiency in treatment children with class II Angle malocclusions in association with osteopathy problems. Material and methods: there were examined 30 patients ...
  • Malic, Alina (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: The aim of the study was the assessment of the impact of the molecular genetic Xpert MTB/Rif assay on the diagnostic delay and the treatment effectiveness in pulmonary tuberculosis, according to the results ...
  • Placinta, Gheorghe; Pantea, Victor; Cebotarescu, Valentin; Cojuhari, Lilia; Paveliuc, Petru; Musteata, Tatiana; Panasiuc, Alexandru; Lungu, Victoria; Simonov, Ludmila (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Abstract Background: Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by parasites of the Leishmania type. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a neglected worldwide, zoonotic, vectorborne, tropical disease. The clinical spectrum of leishmaniasis ...
  • Bazeliuc, Iurii; Gugava, Vahtang; Bour, Alin (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: It has been more than 130 years since Reginald Fitz described for the first time the pathomorphological changes of the acute appendicitis and after the first appendectomy that was performed by H. Hancock, in ...
  • Ergeshov, Atadjan; Punga, Victor; Rusakova, Larisa; Yakimova, Marina; Izmailova, Tamara (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: The comparative assessment of the epidemiological indices and challenging issues of the tuberculosis control in the Russian Federation. Material and methods: In the study were used the analytical annual reports ...
  • Boscaneanu, Natalia (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: The pathogenesis theories of preeclampsia include inappropriate trophoblast invasion and incomplete remodeling of spiral uterine arteries. This is followed by a reduced utero-placental perfusion; ischemia is ...
  • Placinta, Gheorghe (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Toxocariasis is a clinical notion that reflects human involvement with the Toxocara larvae in the second stage of development. Its typical syndromes are Larvae Migrans Visceralis, ocular toxocarosis , neurological ...
  • Obreja, Galina; Raevschi, Elena; Penina, Olga (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Excessive salt intake is associated with noncommunicable diseases, especially with hypertension, cardiovascular disease and stroke. Implementation of comprehensive and effective strategies can reduce salt ...
  • Lesnic, Evelina; Malic, Alina; Kulcitkaia, Stela; Niguleanu, Radu; Jucov, Artiom; Gutu-Grecu, Mariana; Cula, Eugenia; Tolmaciov, Mihai (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: One of the most important among risk factors for active tuberculosis development represents diabetes mellitus. The aim of the study was the assessment of the predictive factors for pulmonary tuberculosis in ...
  • Martynchuk, Аlexandr; Popovich, Sergei (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: In the article it is considered the essence and possibilities of the bioregulatory approach in the therapy of osteoarthrosis/osteoarthritis (OA) that is realized with the help of the use of complex bioregulatory ...
  • Sciuca, Svetlana; Antonovici, Natalia; Dolganiuc, Angela (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: The article reviews aims to promote the communication between scientists engaged in basic research and clinicians working with children, in order to better understand the mechanism and work together towards ...
  • Cojocari, Lucia; Sandul, Alexandru (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Fungal rhinosinusitis is a major clinical problem which should be considered in all patients and immunocompromised patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. It may be non-invasive or invasive with five main subtypes. ...
  • Cheptanaru, Olga (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: The implant-prosthetic restoration in single missing tooth is a viable treatment option for the functional rehabilitation of tooth loss. Several published studies show that the deadline and the type of functional ...
  • Nedelciuc, Boris; Lozan, Oleg; Betiu, Mircea; Gogu, Vladislav; Tabarna, Vasile; Contu, Ghenadie (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in aesthetic medicine. Minor-invasive or injectable procedures, as well as laser therapy have become extremely successful. In case of any inherited or ...
  • Levco, Simion; Scerbatiuc, Dumitru (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Although the symptoms of oral phlegmon have been described before Hippocrates and Galen, there have been discrepancies in the diagnosis and treatment plan appreciation in patients with phlegmon of the mouth ...
  • Placinta, Gheorghe; Stirbu, Tatiana; Tovba, Lidia (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Toxocariasis is a parasitic infection with a major risk to children, especially because of their incompletely developed immune system, high risk of infection or frequent re-infection, all correlated with living ...
  • Pantea, Valeriu (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: The functional organization of the service, institution or organization requires adjustment to challenges of the social, economic, and professional environment that intervene development stages of society. ...
  • Oprea, Vasile; Cheptanaru, Constantin; Nistorica, Mihai; Giza, Cristina; Valica, Vladimir (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018-02)
    Background: It is fundamental to develop new analysis methods for proving the utmost quality of medicines containing iron compounds. This study aims to determine whether the quantity of Fe (III) in dosage forms taken for ...
  • Ghicavii, Victor; Bacinschi, Nicolae; Podgurschi, Lilia; Turcan, Lucia; Chianu, Marin (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: The rational use of medicines remains one of the most important directions of public health, especially in socio-medical diseases, including arterial hypertension. Material and methods: The study involved 28 ...

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